The License Commission held a Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 26, 2015,
in the G.A.R. Room at City Hall. Present were Chairman Henry Tartaglia; Commissioners
Scott McDuffy and Joao DeAndrade; and Adm. Asst. Bonnie Tucker.
1. Hearing on the request from M.J. Martins Enterprises, Inc. dba Eastside Market –
Maria J. Martins, Manager, for a Wine and Malt Package Store license at 364 Centre
Street. (Licensee failed to file for renewal as required by M.G.L. Chapter 138, Section
Present was Maria J. Martins, 177 Braemoor Road, who stated she forgot to file for the
renewal of her beer and wine license. The Adm. Asst. reviewed that by law, the renewal of a
liquor license must be filed during the month of November and if it is not filed, a new
application must be filed, a hearing held, and approval granted by the local board and the
ABCC. Ms. Martins has been without her license since January 1
In response to questions, Ms. Martins stated she has been operating at this location for ten
years. Without the beer and wine license, it has been difficult. During the ten year period,
there was one problem with serving an under aged person.
A motion was made by Commissioner McDuffy to approve the license which motion was
seconded by Chairman Tartaglia and made unanimous by vote of Commissioner DeAndrade.
2. Hearing on the request from Sydco III Donuts Inc. dba Honey Dew Donuts for a
Common Victualer license at 541 Pleasant Street.
No action was taken on this matter for the reason that no one appeared.
3. Special One Day Permit:
Entertainment Management Complex, LLC – Michael Canina, Manager, for a Special
One‐day Permit to sell Wine and Malt Beverages at The Shaw’s Center on Friday,
January 30, 2015, from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Present was Michael Canina, 227 Linwood Street, who stated the request is to serve beer
and wine at a Brockton Pop Warner banquet which will be held this coming Friday. There
will be approximately 400 people attending, 200 children and 200 adults. They will be
serving beer, wine and soda. Mr. Canina stated the bar will do about $1500. It is an event
for the cheerleaders and football players.
A motion was made by Commissioner DeAndrade to approve the permit which motion was
seconded by Commissioner McDuffy. All members voting in the affirmative, the motion