The License Commission held a Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 22, 2015,
in Room B5, City Hall, 45 School Street. Present were Chairman Henry Tartaglia;
Commissioners Scott McDuffy, Joao DeAndrade and Catherine Holbrook; and Adm. Asst.
Bonnie Tucker
1. Entertainment Management Complex LLC – Michael Canina, Manager, for a Special
One‐day Permit to sell Wine and Malt Beverages at a Fundraiser to be held on
January 23, 2015, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Present was Michael Canina, 227 Linwood Street, who stated they will be hosting a
fundraiser at The Shaw’s Center for the Connolly Elementary School in Whitman and they
would like to be able to serve beer and wine from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. They expect
between 100‐125 people to attend. It was agreed that no police detail will be required.
A motion was made by Commissioner McDuffy to approve the permit which motion was
seconded by Commissioner Holbrook. All members voting in the affirmative, the motion
In reply to questions, Mr. Canina stated The Shaw’s Center is currently without a license and
once they file their license application, one‐day licenses are not permitted. He had hoped
the application would be filed by now but there are some issues that are slowing the process
2. Any other business to properly come before the Commission
With no other business to come before the Commission, a motion was made by
Commissioner Holbrook to adjourn the meeting which motion was seconded by
Commissioner McDuffy. All members voting in the affirmative, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Henry Tartaglia
Paul D. Sullivan, Commissioner