375 Beale Street, Suite 600San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 749-4990 FAX (415)-749-5030
1. Business Name:
Plant No:
(if unknown, leave blank)
2. SIC No:
Date of Initial Operation
Source No S- _
3. Name or Description
4. Code materials* in order of highest throughputs:
1) _
2) _
3) _
4) _
5. Total throughput (all materials), last 12 months:
thousand gal or
thousand bbl
6. Typical % of total annual throughput:
Dec-Feb %
Mar-May %
Jun-Aug %
Sep-Nov %
Check box if loading/handling facility; complete lines 7-11 and omit the remainder of this form. (Also complete one
Form T for each storage tank)
7. Usage type: Bulk plant (truck/rail car)
Bulk plant (marine)
Vehicle service station
Aircraft/marine servicing
Other: _
8. How many nozzles/loading arms? _
How many pumps? __
9. Make and model of nozzles/loading arms:
10. Nozzle/arm loads tank by: splash fill submerged fill part splash, part submerged
11. Upon loading, vapor space in tank(s) is: Vented directly to atmosphere
Collected by nozzle/arm and sent to Abatement Device(s): A _ A _ _
12. Annual Average: Storage vapor pressure psia or tank temperature F and RVP psia
13. Highest v.p. of all materials stored: psia or high tank temperature F and high RVP psia
14. Highest API of all material stored: Lowest initial B.P. of all materials stored: F
15. Tank Type: underground fixed roof internal floating roof floating roof
pressure other:
16. Tank volume: thousand gallons or thousand barrels
17 Tank Diameter: ft height or length: ft Check if applicable: heated insulated
Fixed Roof Tanks Only
18. Maximum fill rate: _ _gal/hr or bbl/hr
19. Average height of vapor space: ft Highest head space reactivity %
Check box if emissions from this tank are controlled; complete lines 20 and 21.
20. Emissions vent to what source(s) and/or abatement device(s)? S S A _ A _
21. Do all gauging/sampling devices have gas-tight covers? yes no
22. Paint color: Aluminum White Light grey Medium grey Other
23. Paint Condition: good poor
Floating Roof Tanks Only
24. Shell Type: gunited riveted welded other:
25. Seal Type: single double other: Condition: tight loose
26. Maximum withdrawn rate: gal/hr or bbl/hr
27. Do all gauging/sampling devices enter below liquid level and have gas-tight covers? yes no
28. Roof type: pan pontoon other: Is emergency roof drain at least 90% covered? yes no
Person completing this form
*See Material Code Reference List.
(revised 4/12/16)
Organic Liquid Evaporation
(tankage, loading and handling)