Business Name:
Facility Address:
This sample reopening procedures checklist was developed to assist public swimming pool operators to
prepare their COVID-19 operating protocols and procedures. Employees shall also be trained and a person in
charge designated to ensure the procedures are followed on a day to day basis. Please visit
for information regarding the reopening process and industry guidance.
Permitted Use As of 6/12/2020:
Saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs must remain closed; Waterparks must remain closed; No swim
teams, swim meets, or other team activities are to be held.
Outdoor aquatics classes are permitted with physical distancing and no shared equipment. Indoor
aquatics classes are not permitted at this time.
Swim lessons can be offered for no more than 4 students per instructor. Social distancing should be
maintained between students and, whenever possible, between students and instructor.
Individual Control Measures and Screening:
Signage at each public entrance of the pool facility to inform employees and patrons that they must
not enter the facility or the pool if they are sick with COVID 19 symptoms.
Signage regarding the Social/Physical Distancing Protocol at the pool facility, persons to maintain a
minimum six-foot distance from non-household members as much as practicable and not engage in
any unnecessary physical contact.
All employees have been told not to come to work if sick. Monitor employee health at the beginning
of each shift for COVID-19 symptoms or self-screen before coming to work according to CDC
Employees are provided with face coverings, eye protection, and gloves where necessary.
Face coverings worn when six feet social/physical distancing is not possible.
Hand washing facilities with soap, warm water, and single-use paper towels are available to all patrons
and employees who are encouraged to frequently wash hands.
Ensure that lifeguards who are actively lifeguarding are not also expected to monitor handwashing,
use of cloth face coverings, or physical distancing. Assign this monitoring responsibility to another staff
2156 Sierra Way, Ste B | San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 | | 805-781-5544 |
Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols:
Public swimming pools should take additional steps to ensure those facilities are properly cleaned and
disinfected for patron use, according to CDC guidelines
Consult with the company or engineer that designed the public pool to decide which List N
disinfectants approved by the EPA are best for the facility. Ensure the safe and correct use and storage
of disinfectants, including storing products securely away from children.
Disinfect commonly used surfaces throughout the day and evening such as lounge chairs, shared
equipment, doorknobs, counter tops, handwashing sinks, toilets, etc.
Check in counters, Break rooms, bathrooms, and other common areas are being disinfected
frequently, on the following schedule:
Check in counters:
Break rooms:
Locker rooms:
Other (specify area and frequency):
Sanitizer / Disinfectant and related cleaning supplies are available to all employees at the following
and sanitizer containing at least 60% ethanoyl or 70% isopropyl alcohol is available at the following
aintain proper disinfectant levels (2-10 parts per million free chlorine or 3-8 ppm bromine) and pH
Ensure that the facility has adequate equipment for patrons, such as kick boards, pool noodles, and
other flotation devices, to minimize sharing wherever possible. Clean and disinfect the items after
each use.
Set up a system so that furniture and equipment (e.g., lounge chairs) that need to be cleaned and
disinfected are kept separate from furniture that has already been cleaned and disinfected. Label
containers for used equipment that has not yet been cleaned and disinfected, and label containers for
cleaned and disinfected equipment.
Encourage patrons to bring and use their own towels wherever possible. If the facility is providing
them, launder towels according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the warmest appropriate
water temperature and dry items completely. Handle towels with disposable gloves and minimal
disturbance, i.e., do not shake them.
Discourage people from sharing items, particularly those that are difficult to clean and disinfect or
those that are meant to come in contact with the face (e.g., goggles, nose clips, and snorkels).
For indoor public pools, introduce and circulate outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows
and doors, using fans, or other methods. However, do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a
safety risk to staff, patrons, or swimmers.
Physical Distancing Guidelines:
Implement measures to ensure physical distancing of at least six feet between and among workers
and patrons.
If applicable, place tape or other markings at least six feet apart where customers queue with signs
directing customers to use the markings to maintain distance.
Evaluate maximum occupancy rules based on size of the facility to develop a capacity plan that
supports physical distancing and limits the number of patrons allowed in the facility at a given time to
a number permitting physical distancing.
Where feasible, install impermeable physical barriers such as Plexiglas where staff and patrons must
interact, and physical distancing is difficult.
Change the deck layout and other areas surrounding the pool to ensure that the standing and seating
areas can support physical distancing requirements. This could include removing lounge chairs or
taping off areas to discourage use.
Consider implementing reservations for pool use or implementing other mechanisms to support
physical distancing. This could include reserving full lanes for individual lap swimming and half-lanes
for individual household use.
Provide physical cues (e.g., lane lines in the water or chairs and tables on the deck) and visual cues
(e.g., tape on the decks, floors, or sidewalks) and signs to ensure that staff, patrons, and swimmers
stay at least six feet apart from one another, both in and out of the water.
Additional Considerations for Swimming Pools:
DC’s Model Aquatic Health Code
has more recommendations to prevent illness and injuries at public
pools in parks.
Additional Measures:
Additional measures not included above:
opies of this checklist have been posted in a conspicuous place and are provided to all employees.
ontact the following person with any questions or comments about this protocol:
ame: Phone Number: Date: