jmj 6/17
Swarthmore College
Office of the Registrar
Application to Carry Extra or Less Work
Fall of (year:)_______
Spring of (year:)______
Name________________________________________________ ID#___________________________
Grad year ___________
Programs of fewer than four or greater than five credits per semester need to be approved on this form, but at no time are
programs fewer than three credits per semester permitted.
Warning about Credits and Grades: Normal progress is four semester course credits per semester. Students that do not
manage to complete and pass at least three credits per semester will have their records reviewed by the Committee on
Academic Requirements and could be required to take an academic leave. Note that INC grades, Withdraw grades, or
shadow or letter grades of less than straight C do not satisfy this minimum expectation. Students should also be mindful to
maintain satisfactory progress toward fulfilling their degree. At a minimum, students should earn 6 to 8 credits by the end
of the first year, 14 to 16 credits by the end of the sophomore year, and 22 to 24 credits by the end of the junior year.
Students not achieving satisfactory progress will have their records reviewed by the Committee on Academic
Requirements and could be required to take an academic leave.
Less: For programs of fewer than 4 credits, you must first seek the approval of your academic advisor and then see Dean
Sakomura. You will need to indicate your plan to maintain satisfactory progress for your class. Satisfactory progress is
defined as follows: a rising sophomore must have completed 6-8 credits; a rising junior must have 14-16 credits and have
applied for a major; and a rising senior must have 22-24 credits and have a major. If your academic advisor approves the
plan, then seek the permission of the dean.
Extra: For programs of greater than 5 credits, you need only the permission of your academic advisor. Be aware that
programs resulting in a combined load of greater than 10.0 credits for the Fall-Spring academic year (or 5.0 credits for the
semester if you are only here the one semester during a Fall-Spring academic year) will result in an additional tuition
charge. Most students avoid the extra tuition charge by not exceeding 10 credits for the Fall-Spring year.
Complete this application and deliver the form to the Registrar's Office. This is not a drop/add form; if you are dropping
or adding, please also complete that form.
Application to carry _______ credits.
If requesting to carry fewer than 4 credits, please briefly explain the reason:
Describe the plan to achieve satisfactory progress if requesting to carry fewer than 4 credits (how will you make up the
Signature of your Academic Advisor ___________________________________date ____________
Signature of Dean Sakomura _________________________________ date ____________
Signature of the Student _______________________________________ date ____________
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