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PP – Score 10 - no risk
P – Score 5 - flood zone 1 (low risk 1000 to 1 chance per
Neutral – Score 0 – Not applicable
N – Score -5 - flood zone 2 (medium risk between 1000 to 1 &
100 to 1 fluvial) or Protected by Bund
NN – Score -50 - flood zone 3 (high risk 100 to 1 chance fluvial)
6. Is the site particularly sensitive from a landscape
1. The natural environment: Geodiversity - site choice should ensure protection and enhancement of all
geological features where possible and avoid irreversible losses.
PP – Score 10 - no geological, soil conservation interests or
mineral deposits in this site
P – Score 5 - geological, soil conservation interests or mineral
deposits in this site of minor significance
Neutral – Score 0 – Not applicable
N – Score -5 - geological, soil conservation interests or mineral
deposits in this site of medium significance
NN – Score -10 - geological, soil conservation interests or mineral
deposits in this site of major significance
2. The natural environment: landscape settings, views and natural features - site choice should ensure protection
and enhancement of all biodiversity, Geodiversity and landscape features where possible and avoid
irreversible losses and should seek to protect and enhance the quality of the rural landscape plus maintain
and strengthen local distinctiveness and sense of place.
PP – Score 10 - no impact on surrounding natural landscape
setting and views of landscape including river and
courses, wooded areas and other natural
P – Score 5 - minor impact on surrounding natural landscape
setting and views of landscape including river and
courses, wooded areas and other natural
Neutral – Score 0 – Not applicable
N – Score -5 - medium impact on surrounding natural landscape
setting and views of landscape including river and
courses, wooded areas and other natural
NN – Score -10 - major impact on surrounding natural landscape
setting and views of landscape including river and
courses, wooded areas and other natural
3. Other natural environment constraints - site choice should ensure protection and enhancement of all
biodiversity and geological features where possible and avoid irreversible losses and should seek to protect
and enhance the quality of the rural landscape plus maintain and strengthen local distinctiveness and sense of
PP – Score 10 - there are no environmental constraints affecting
this site.
P – Score 5 - small amount of significant hedgerows or trees
with or without Tree Preservation Orders, fields,
meads and
natural areas, ditches, water meadows,
water courses, meanders, riparian or other
features affecting this site.
Neutral – Score 0 – Not applicable
N – Score -5 - medium amount of significant hedgerows or trees
with or without Tree Preservation Orders, fields,
and natural areas, ditches, water meadows,
water courses, meanders, riparian or other features
affecting this site.
NN – Score -10 - large amount of significant hedgerows or trees
with or without Tree Preservation Orders, fields,
and natural areas, ditches, water meadows,
water courses, meanders, riparian or other features
affecting this site.
7. Is the site highly sensitive environmentally or
o Not be of special ecological significance
o The natural environment: biodiversity and ecology - site choice should ensure protection and enhancement of
all ecological and biodiversity features where possible and avoid irreversible losses.
PP – Score 10 - very little or no plant life, animal life, bird life or
insect life of significance on this site
P – Score 5 - some plant life, animal life, bird life or insect life
of minor significance on this site
Neutral - Not applicable
N – Score -5 - plant life, animal life, bird life or insect life of
medium significance on this site
NN – Score -10 - plant life, animal life, bird life or insect life of major
significance on this site