Flood Risk
The causes of flooding in the Broads are complex and there is
significant uncertainty in assessing the future risk of flooding at
particular locations and its likely extent, duration and severity.
Developers should be aware at the outset that it is not feasible
to eliminate all risk of flooding. A range of measures can,
however, be applied to reduce the risk of flooding including
avoiding development in areas at risk.Where development is
appropriate in principle the following are relevant:
Minimum Floor Levels
This is a well established approach in the Broads, setting the
building floor level above an appropriate flood level.
However it can affect access into the building, including access for
disabled people.
Raising Plot Levels
Developers may also seek to reduce the risk of flooding by
raising the level of the land, either in isolation or in combination
with a minimum floor level. However raising land levels can serve
to divert floodwater onto neighbouring plots. It can also be
damaging to trees and other vegetation on the site.
Bunds or Flood Walls
In some cases it will be appropriate to consider the use of
are likely to be damaging to the character of the landscape or
built environment.
A further approach is to take measures to protect individual
properties, for example through the use of raised thresholds,
floorboards, waterproofing or the protection of airbricks,
electrical installation and foul drainage.
earth bunds or flood walls to reduce the risk of flooding of new
development or to protect existing development. However, these