Page 11 of 15Form I-881 Edition 11/08/19
If your children are American citizens or lawful
permanent residents, do your children speak, read, and
write English?
Yes No
If your children are American citizens or lawful
permanent residents, do your children speak, read, and
write the native language of the country you would be
returned to if deported or removed?
Yes No
Do you or any of your qualified family members suffer
from or have previously suffered from any illness, health
problem, or disability that requires or required medical
Yes No
If you answered "Yes," provide information about the
health problem and whether you or your qualified family
member suffer or have suffered from it. Also include any
care you or the person receives in the United States that
would not be available in the country to which you would
be deported or removed.
If you are deported or removed from the United States,
would all qualified family members accompany you?
Yes No Not applicable
If you answered "No," list which qualified family
members would not accompany you, why the qualified
family members would not accompany you, and how that
affects you and your family members.
Would you or your qualified family members experience
any emotional or psychological impact if you were
deported or removed from the United States?
Yes No Not applicable
Would the current conditions in the country to which you
would be deported or removed cause you or your
qualified family members extreme hardship if you are
deported or removed?
Yes No Not applicable
Do you currently have any other way, besides this
application, for suspension of deportation or special rule
cancellation of removal, to adjust status to that of lawful
permanent resident in the United States?
Yes No Not applicable
If you belong to any civic, political, religious, community,
or social organization, association, foundation, club, or
similar group or participate in volunteer activities, would
separating from these community ties and activities affect
you if you are deported or removed from the United States?
Yes No Not applicable
Is there any other types of hardship that you or your
family would face if you are deported or removed from
the United States? (Include any hardship to your children,
spouse, parents who are not American citizens or lawful
permanent residents, and to your brothers, sisters,
grandparents, or other extended family members.)
Yes No Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
NOTE: If you meet the eligibility requirements listed under
Part 2. Application Type and you complete this application,
you will be presumed to meet the extreme hardship requirement
unless the evidence in your case record establishes that neither
you nor your qualified relative are likely to experience extreme
hardship if you are deported or removed from the United States.
If you qualify for a presumption of extreme hardship, you do
not need to submit documents that support your answers below
regarding your claim to extreme hardship, but you need to
provide explanations to your answers below.
Part 10. Information About Hardship You and/
or Your Family Will Face If You Are Deported
or Removed from the United States (continued)
Would you be able to obtain employment in the country
to which you would be deported or removed?
Yes No Not applicable
If you answered "Yes," explain the type of employment
you would be able to obtain. If you answered "No,"
explain why you would be unable to find employment.
If you or a qualified family member are currently
pursuing educational opportunities in the United States,
would you or the qualified family member continue to
pursue the educational opportunities if deported or
removed from the United States?
Yes No Not applicable
If you answered "No," explain why not.