As of July 1, 2009, the SBCCD Distributed Education and Technology Services (DETS) division reorganized its
technology service structures and associated committee structures. This survey of the DETS Executive Committee is
intended to begin the formal assessment of the effecs of that reorganization. The user community will also be surveyed in
early fall.
Please read each of the following questions carefully, think about your answer, and then enter your response. Finishing
the whole survey should take no more than about 10 minutes, though it could be more if you choose to make lengthy
Please finish the survey in one sitting; if you leave before clicking the "Done" button, all your responses will be lost, and
you will have to start over.
Please submit your completed survey no later than Friday, August 13.
Just click "Next" to go to the next page. When you have answered all the questions, click "Done" to submit your survey,
then close your browser window.
Thank you for participating in this important effort to improve DETS services!