Saving for a rainy day
It always seems to be raining in the North West. So
it’s good news that our vast network of underground
sewer pipes help to drain away the drops!
Part of your water bill pays for us to take away the
rainwater that falls onto your home – including
your roof, your driveway and your path. You’ll nd
this charge itemised on your bill, under the heading
rainwater removal.
Some properties, however, are drained naturally.
The rainwater ows directly into a brook, stream,
or a soak-away, without ever entering the sewer
system. If your home ts this description, you could
qualify for a welcome reduction in your bill.
Does your home fit the bill?
To qualify for money o your bill, you need to prove
that the rainwater that falls on your home (including
your roof, drive, patio, yard etc.) drains directly into
the ground, or a watercourse such as a brook or
stream, or a soakaway – without ever entering our
sewer pipes.
You’ll need to carry out some detective work to
nd out for sure. There’s plenty of information at
unitedutilities.com/surface-water-drainage to
help you.
If the rainwater does enter our pipes at any point on
its journey – even very briey – a reduction in your
charges won’t be possible.
To summarise, you could be entitled to a reduction
in the following circumstances:
(i) If none of the surface water from your home
enters into the public sewer (for example, all
your surface water drains to a soakaway or
watercourse) then no charge will be made for
surface water drainage.
(ii) If some of the surface water from your home
goes directly to a watercourse (not via the public
sewer) and you pay a third party for its disposal,
the charge for surface water will be reduced by
the amount you pay to the third party (up to a
maximum of the amount we charge you for that
part of our service).
Unfortunately, you won’t be entitled to a
reduction if:
• Any proportion of your surface water drains to
the public sewer
• Only part of your surface water goes to a
soakaway with some surface water still draining
to the public sewer.
• You have re-directed your roof drainage into
water butts.
• You drain to a watercourse, brook or stream via a
public sewer.
• You have any rainwater harvesting systems
installed at your home (for example, you use
rainwater to ush your toilet cistern).
Think you could be eligible? Then please ll in the
attached application form, and don’t forget to draw
us a picture in the space provided. This will help us if
we need to visit to carry out a test to check whether
your home drains to the public sewer.
How much could you save?
If you have a water meter, the maximum reduction
in your wastewater charges for 2021/2022 would be
If you don’t have a water meter, your charges are
calculated using the rateable value of your home so
it’s dicult to give an exact amount. However, the
reduction in your wastewater charges for 2021/2022
would be approximately 28%.
The reduction in your surface water charges will
apply from the date you moved into your home,
going back a maximum of six years.
Once the changes to your bill have been
made, they will apply automatically each year.
However, please do let us know if you make any
subsequent alterations which aect your drainage
United Utilities
Customer Service Centre
PO Box 50
WA55 1AQ
If you have a meter call
0345 672 2999
If you don’t have a meter
call 0345 672 2888
Opening hours:
8am - 8pm Mon - Fri;
8am - 4pm Sat
For further
Surface water drainage -
household 2021/2022