Supreme Court of the United States
(Please do not submit attachments unless instructed to do so)
Fill out form online and print
Name as you want shown on your Certificate:
First Name: Last Name:
Suffix:Middle Name:
Firm Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
Check this box if you want the alternate
Certificate described in the instructions.
Office Phone: Alternate Phone:
Email Address:
1. City and state you want shown on your Certificate.
City: State:
2. Date of birth: 3. Birth City: 4. Birth State/Country:
5. Residence Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
6. Name of parents:
7. State court(s) of last resort to which you are admitted to practice, and date(s) of admission.
State Court Date of Admission State Court Date of Admission
8. Are you engaged in the practice of the law? State the nature of your practice, whether by self, in partnership, or
associated with or employed by others, giving the name of the firm or employer.
Yes No
9. List firms or other entities with which you have been formerly associated, or by which you have been employed, as a lawyer.
10. Undergraduate and legal education and when and where degrees received.
DegreeSchool Location Date Received
11. Have you ever changed your name or been known by any name or surname other than those appearing on this application?
If so, state and give details.
Yes No
12. (a) Have you ever been disciplined, disbarred, sanctioned, or suspended from practice before any court,
department, bureau, or commission of the United States, or of any State, Commonwealth, Territory,
Possession, or the District of Columbia, or have you received any public or private
reprimands from any such entity pertaining to your conduct as a member of the bar?
(b) Are there any disciplinary proceedings presently pending against you?
Yes No
(c) Have you been denied admission to the bar of this Court or the bar of any entity described in (a)
Yes No
(d) Have you been convicted of a crime? (other than a minor traffic violation)
Yes No
(e) If you answered "yes" to any of the questions in this paragraph you must provide a detailed
explanation on a separate sheet and attach any relevant documentation concerning your answer.