Services for Students with Disabilities
Support for Students with Temporary Physical/Medical Conditions
Who Should Use This Form?
This form should be used only to request testing support for students with temporary impairments (caused by injury, accident, etc.)
who cannot postpone their tests. Use for the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, and AP Exams.
Students seeking testing supports for impairments that are not temporary must use SSD Online or complete the College
Board’s Student Eligibility Form to receive approval for testing accommodations.
For students taking AP Exams, if the temporary impairment will be resolved by the late testing dates, the AP Coordinator
should not seek temporary support. Instead, go to www.collegeboard.com/school and order an alternate exam for the
student (note ordering deadlines). In such cases, there is no additional charge for late testing.
Temporary support on the SAT is available only to seniors.
Important: If a student uses extended testing time or any other testing support without first receiving written authorization from the
College Board’s SSD office, that student’s test score(s) will not be reported.
Directions for SSD Coordinator (or other appropriate school official)
1. Complete Part 1. You will need information from the student’s doctor and teachers.
2. Enter your school code on all pages.
3. Give the student a copy of this form. The student must obtain written confirmation from his/her doctor regarding the
needed supports. Remind the student that the doctor must provide information pertaining to all items in Part 3 and that
the student and parent or guardian must sign Part 2. The student should return the signed form and documentation to you.
4. Collect a completed Teacher’s Survey Form (Part 4) from the student’s teacher(s). If the student is taking an AP Exam,
collect a Teacher’s Survey from each of the AP teachers in whose subject the student is taking an AP Exam. For the SAT,
include a Teacher’s Survey from the student’s core teachers. (Teachers may respond on a separate sheet as long as it
contains all information requested in Part 4, including the student’s name.)
5. Depending on the student’s physical/medical condition, additional documentation may be needed. Note: If the student is
requesting testing assistance for a concussion or head injury, copies of medical evaluation(s) and testing (e.g., ImPACT
testing or neuropsychological evaluation) must be included.
6. Fax the completed request form along with any attachments to (973) 735‐1900. If you are unable to fax, mail the request
form and documents to:
College Board Services for Students with Disabilities ‐ Temporary Supports
Educational Testing Service
1425 Lower Ferry Road
Ewing, NJ 08618
Time Frame
Submit this form and documentation as soon as the temporary impairment has been medically verified. The College Board will
expedite processing of temporary support forms. However, an appropriate review and determination cannot occur instantaneously.
Individuals who submit requests or information shortly before a scheduled College Board test should be prepared to be informed
that there was insufficient time to make a determination on their request. The College Board will reply by email or fax as soon as