Supervisor Workers’ Compensation Instructions
When an employee gets hurt on the job, please follow these steps:
1. Assess the situation. Does the employee need to go to the doctor?
a. If the employee needs to see a doctor, call University Medical Specialties (269-473-2222) and inform
them that the employee will be arriving for treatment.
NOTE: When the employee goes to University Medical Specialties, they MUST
inform the medical center that this is a Workers’ Compensation case. If the
employee chooses not to go to University Medical Specialties and/or does not
inform them their injury is work related, then payment under Workers’
Compensation insurance can be refused. If the employee is hurt after University
Medical Specialties hours, an on-call doctor can be reached by calling 269-473-
2222. The option of the walk-in clinic or emergency room is also available but only
in case of life-threatening situations.
b. If the employee does not need medical attention, administer first aid, if necessary, and follow steps 3
and 4.
2. As soon as possible, call Workers’ Compensation (269-471-3886) and relate the situation and action being taken.
3. Fill out the supervisor’s report (SARF) on line at: http://www.andrews.edu/HR/documents/sarf.pdf
4. Submit completed form to both the Workers’ Compensation office and the Office of Campus Safety.
5. If the doctor informs the employee that work needs to be missed or restricted because of the work related
injury or illness, any paperwork from the doctor to indicate missed or restricted work MUST be forwarded to the
Workers’ Compensation office.
6. If an employee has missed any work due to the work related injury or illnesses please contact the Workers’
Compensation office before submitting time to Payroll.
7. Each day/week that the employee is out of work needs to correspond directly with a doctor’s order for the
missed/restricted work. Any note, bills, or correspondence from or to the doctor or employee MUST be
forwarded to the Workers’ Compensation office.
8. When the employee is ready to return to work or released from restricted duty; the employee must provide a
return to work (RTW) note from their doctor. The RTW MUST be forwarded the Workers’ Compensation office.
Please inform the Workers’ Compensation office of any changes in the employee’s situation or condition as soon as
Your assistance aids both the Workers’ Compensation office as well as the employee in returning to normal work
conditions quickly.
Thank you,
Workers’ Compensation Office
Human Resources – 0840
Tele 269-471-3886
Fax 269-471-6293