Risk Management
Reporting an injury
I. When an employee reports a work-related injury or illness, direct him/her to complete an Employee Report for On-
The-Job Injury/Illness. If The Employee Is Seriously Injured Or Ill, Contact EMSA Immediately. This Form Can Be
Completed At A Later Time.
***Note: This document can be found on the Faculty and Staff Intranet Site. See instructions below.
1. Click on Human Resources.
2. Select Risk Management.
3. Then, select the Risk Management tab on the left.
4. Click on Worker’s Compensation.
5. The Employee’s Report of On-the-Job Injury/Illness can be found near the bottom
of the page.
6. Click on the link and complete the form.
II. Contact Risk Management at (918)495-7560 to report the injury.
The purpose for immediate notification is so that the Risk Management can verify occurrences of a work-
related injury/illness and direct the employee to the Preferred Occupational Health Facilities.
If Risk Management has no knowledge of the injury or illness, then the injured employee may be kept waiting
for medical attention until the supervisor can be located and the injury is verified.
III. Complete the Supervisor Report for On-The-Job Injury/Illness.
IV. Submit both Employee & Supervisor reports to Risk Management at
or via fax to
(918)495-7563 within the first 24 hours of notification. Please Do NOT Include Instruction & Responsibilities
Responsibility of the Employee
All employees are required to report every work-related on-the-job injury or illness to his or her supervisor immediately.
Failure to promptly report a job-related injury is considered grounds for termination. Should an employee seek medical
attention, he or she is required to immediately provide documentation to the supervisor and Risk Management regarding
his or her ability to work. If the employee is unable to personally deliver the treating physician’s status report, it can be
faxed to Attn: Risk Management (918)495-7563 or mailed to Attn: Risk Management, Oral Roberts University 7777 South
Lewis Avenue Tulsa OK 74171.
Employees placed on “no work” status must keep the immediate supervisor and Risk Management informed of absences,
doctor’s appointments and medical progress. If the supervisor and/or Risk Management have not received periodic
updates from the employee accompanied by treating physician documentation, it is the supervisor’s responsibility to
contact the employee. If the employee cannot be reached and has not returned to work, please contact Risk Management
at (918)495-7560. Employee’s returning to work from ano work” status must provide documentation from the treating
physician regarding his or her ability to return to work.
Any hours missed from work must be reported on Kronos Timekeeping System using pay code WCC, unless otherwise
advised by Risk Management. If you have any questions, please call Risk Management at (918)495-7560.
All documentation should be forwarded to Risk Management.
Risk Management
To be completed by the immediate supervisor or manager only. Provide full details. Use ink only.
Date Report Completed:
Immediate Supervisor Name:
Title: Department Name:
Supervisor Signature:
Supervisor Phone #: Department Phone #:
Department Fax #: Supervisor’s Email:
I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all statements contained herein and to the best of my knowledge and belief,
they are correct and complete. Any person who commits Workers’ Compensation fraud, upon conviction, shall be guilty of a felony.
Employee’s Name:
Title: FTE:
Workdays (i.e. Mon Fri): Schedule (i.e. 8am – 5pm): No. Hours Worked/Week:
Employee’s Z#:
Was the Employee Performing Regular Job Duties? Yes No If yes, describe the assigned task the employee
was performing at the time of the incident.
Date & Time of Incident: / / a.m. / p.m Date & Time Reported: / / a.m. / p.m.
Was the incident on premises? Where did it occur?
What part(s) of the employee’s body was injured? What was the nature of the injury (i.e. bruise to left knee, cut to right index
Type of Treatment Received: First Aid Medical None
If First Aid, describe.
If Medical, provide Name and Address of Doctor or Hospital.
Describe fully how the accident occurred (including events that occurred immediately before the accident).
What exactly contributed to the physical injury or illness?
Any prior physical conditions? Yes No If so, explain.
Were safety procedures followed? Yes No N/A
Was the employee trained to follow proper safety procedures? Yes No N/A
Were there any environmental hazards? If so, explain.
Did the assignment require special protective equipment? If so, describe.
Was the employee wearing or using the protective equipment? Yes No
If safety procedures were not followed, describe the supervisor’s corrective action.
How could this incident be prevented in the future?
Are there any doubts to the validity of this injury or illness? If so, please explain.
If required, is there modified duty available? Yes No
Additional comments:
Please list any witnesses to the incident:
Name: Title: Phone:
Name: Title: Phone:
Name: Title: Phone:
If witnesses were present, please attach witness statements with your report to Risk Management.
Retain original reports in Employee’s file. Rev. 4.3.14