Summer Volunteer Application
Addendum for Applicants under 18
Instructions: Complete Page 1 and 2 and return to CASA with Summer Volunteer Application
Volunteer Name ____________________________________________ Email _______________________
Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________
Street City Zip
(IF APPLICABLE) Student Status: Fr____ So____ Jr____ Sr____ Other _________________________
Name and Location of School ____________________________________________________________________
The Summer CASA Volunteer promotes a positive learning environment by assisting the classroom teacher and teaching
assistant with daily activities.
SCHOOL PERSONNEL: The person noted above is applying to be a Summer Volunteer at CASA.
Please complete the following information and return to applicant.
Academic and Behavior Standing
To be completed by two (2) classroom teachers and the school administrator
By signing below, I confirm that the above named student is in good academic standing and has no history of
misconduct. I confirm that this student, to the best of my knowledge, has demonstrated the responsibility and
commitment required to be a volunteer at Summer CASA at Hope College.
Parent Completion on Page 2
263 College Avenue, Graves Hall, B-40 PO Box 9000 Holland, MI 49422-9000
(616) 395-7944 casa@hope.edu www.hope.edu/casa