Summer Research Program Budget Sheet
Summer, 2020
Instructions: If your project will require funds other than your study award (stipend), you
must itemize your budget in detail and explain all anticipated expenses. SRP funds may
not be used to purchase major pieces of non-expendable equipment. SRP funds cannot
be used to support department facilities or to hire assistants. SRP funds can be
designated to compensate experimental subjects. If you are requesting funding for
mileage, please use the standard IRS mileage rates (currently 58-cents per mile) for
budgeting purposes. If you are not requesting any supply funding, please go ahead and
include this page with your proposal, but check the box below and add your name
where requested.
This project does not require any additional budget from the URC.
Student Name:
A. Total estimated budget of project:
B. Amount your department can contribute:
C. Amount you can contribute:
D. Amount of funding from other sources:
Please name source(s):
E. Total of B, C and D:
F. The difference between A and E
(The amount you are requesting from the URC/SRP)
G. Minimum amount needed for the project to be carried out:
Meaning: Could the project still be carried out if you were awarded less than
what you listed in section F as the amount you are requesting from the URC/
SRP? If so, what is the minimum amount you would require in order to make
the project successful.