Accessing independent living
Accessing recreational opportunities
Seeking eligibility of agency services and/or assistive technology
Signature of Person Completing Summary Date
Print Name of Person Completing Summary
PBSD 2208 (Rev. 6/20/2019) ORIGINAL - Exceptional Student Education Student Folder COPY - Student
Student will continue to reside with family
Student and/or family will arrange for independent living
Referral for group home
Referral for supported living
Student can access recreational opportunities independently
Contact Parks and Recreation, Special Populations Department
Student has declined agency service
Student has been referred to (agency/agencies)
Student is a client of (agency/agencies)
Student uses assistive technology devices supplied by
Accessing employment
Student is currently employed without supports
Student will be pursuing post secondary education
Referral to (agency/agencies for employment services)
Referral to (agency/agencies for Adult Day Training)
Summary of Performance
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Referral to Palm Tran connections
Student input
The following is a list of recommendations for the student to do that are essential for the student to successfully achieve
current post-secondary goals.
Accessing post secondary education
Contact a university college, Office of Disability Support Services
Check school district adult and community education programs
Check Palm Beach State College, Post Secondary Adult Vocational programs
Contact vocational-technical schools
How does your disability affect your schoolwork and school activities (such as grades, time on tests, communication, mobility)?
Current Date
Last NameFirst NameStudent ID
In the past, what supports and accommodations have worked best to help you succeed in school?
Signature of Student Date
Print Name of Student