A-13, July 2010
Adapted from KRESA
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Suggested Questions for Parent Input for Re-evaluation
Student’s Name: ___________________________Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________
Method of Interview (Check one):
Personal Interview Telephone Written
Person collected input: ____________________________________________ Date: ________________
1. What are some of your child’s strengths, interests and/or favorite activities?
2. What goals do you have for your child for this school year? For older students, long range goals/plans?
3. Have you seen improvement in your child’s academic performance / behavior / speech and language
during the past 3 years?
Yes No Please describe:
4. Do you have any current concerns about your child’s progress?
5. Have you seen any recent changes in your child’s behavior or school performance?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
6. Medical information:
Vision concerns? _________________________________________________________________________
o Wears glasses?
Yes No
Hearing concerns? _______________________________________________________________________
o Wears hearing aid(s)?
Yes No
Any other medical/health concerns?
Medical history: accidents, injuries, surgeries? __________________________________________________
Taking medication (Type, reason, side effects)?
Any psychological (thinking/emotional) concerns?
7. Has your child had a psychological or education evaluation from outside of the school in the last 3 years?
Yes No If yes, who did it, when was it done, and what were the results?
8. Has your child had additional community services in the last 3 years (tutoring, counseling, residential care)?
Yes No If yes, please describe:
9. With whom does your child live at home? _____________________________________________________________
A-14, July 2010
Adapted from KRESA
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10. Have there been any significant changes in your home or family relationships during the last 3 years?
Yes No If yes, please describe:
11. Optional Functional Questions—Younger students
a. Communication skills at home: Understands directions? Communicates needs? Converses?
b. Types of chores or responsibilities at home?
c. Self care skills: (Bathing, brushing teeth, toileting, etc.)
d. Behavior in the community: (Behavior in public places, can get to places nearby, orders meals, etc.)
e. Follows safety rules at home and in the community (walking, riding bike).
f. Leisure: Shares, has friends
Optional Functional Questions – Older students
a. Communication skills at home: Understands directions? Communicates needs? Converses?
b. Types of chores or responsibilities at
c. Behavior in the community: Can get to places independently? Shops independently? Knowledge about places
in the community like banks, post offices, gas stations, grocery stores, clothing stores? Other?
d. Follows safety rules and home and in the community (walking, ridi
ng, driving)? Self-care for minor injuries?
e. Leisure: Has friends? Participates in school or community activities?
12. Do you think your child continues to need special education services?
Yes No
Why? ____________________________________________________________________________________
13. Do you have any suggestions for improving the school services being given to your child?
Yes No
If yes, what are they?
14. Is there any other information about your child that you think may be helpful to your child’s 3-year re-
Yes No If yes, what?