Any questions or comments please send to STEM Programs Coordinator, Melanie Pritchett at
Parental Consent Form
ive my student, , consent to participate in all
(Please Print Student First and Last Name)
Wesley College UR-CATS STEM programs and activities in relation to the 3 week summer STEM
Prep Program and other Wesley College UR-CATS Educational Programs.
Photo/Media Release Consent
Please check one of the following:
I hereby grant the Wesley College UR-CATS STEM Programs’ team permission to feature my
student in any and all photographs and videos published on college public relations mediums,
including (but not limited to) the college website and STEM UR-CATS social media platforms
without payment or any other considerations.
I understand and agree that these materials will become the property of Wesley College
and the STEM UR-CATS program and will not be returned.
I hereby, irrevocably authorize Wesley College and all its entities to edit, alter, copy,
exhibit, publish, and/or distribute all photos and videos for purposes of publicizing the
Wesley UR-CATS STEM programs for any lawful purpose. In addition, I waive the right
to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein
my student is featured. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation
arising or related to the use of any photographs and/or videos.
I hereby release and forever discharge Wesley College and all its entities from all claims,
demands, and/or conflicting causes of action.
I hereby
do not
grant Wesley College and all its entities permission to feature my student in
photographs and/or videos in any of its publications, including website entries and social
media posts, without payment or other considerations.
Parent/Guardian (Please Print) Relationship to Student
Parent/Guardian Signature
click to sign
click to edit