Submission on
Resource Consent Application
(Form 13 Resource Management Act 1991)
o: Chief Executive
C/- Client Services Administrator
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Private Bag 6006
Person Making Submission
Full name: _____________________________________________________________________
Postal address: _________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ Post code _________
Property address, if different: ______________________________________________________
Contact person
(if different to above, or if submitter is an organisation): _____________________________
Telephone Number: ___________________________ Cell: ___________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________
Name of applicant: The Te Mata Mushrooms Company Limited
Consent Number: DP160229A
Location of activity: 174 176 Brookvale Road, Havelock North
Consent Activity: To discharge contaminants into the air from a compositing and mushroom growing
operation, and associated activities.
ubmission close Date: Monday 12 June 2017 at 5pm
re you a trade competitor for the purposes of section 308B of the RMA 1991 Yes
f yes: Are you directly affected by an effect of the proposed activity that adversely effects the
environment and does not relate to, or the effects of trade competition Yes
I/We support the above application
I/We oppose the above application
I/We neither support nor oppose the above application
Office Use
Application No: DP160229A
Submission No _______________
Hastings District Council
Private Bag 9002, Hastings
207 Lyndon Road East, Hastings
Asher Davidson, Barrister
(09) 337 0700
027 213 0538
The specific parts of the application that my submission relates to are: ______________________
My submission is: (you may attach submission detail to this form)
* Include the reasons for your views _________________________________________________
I seek the following decision from the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:
* Give precise details, including the parts of the application you wish to have amended and the
general nature of any conditions sought ______________________________________________
See attached submission.
See attached submission.
See attached submission.
I wish to be heard in support of my submission
I DO NOT wish to be heard in support of my submission
If others make a similar submission, I will
consider presenting a joint case with them at the hearing
I wish to attend any pre-hearing meeting that may be convened Yes
*I request that Council delegate its functions, powers, and duties required to hear
and decide the application to 1 or more hearings commissioners who are not
members of the local authority
*Please note that a fee of $3000.00 is required to be lodged with your request, additional costs will be billed to you
Signature of submitter: ______________________________ Date / / 2017
(or person authorised to sign on behalf of submitter)
Please note the person/s making this submission must also serve a copy on the applicant as
soon as reasonably practicable
12 6
Attachment to Submission by Hastings District Council
To: Hawkes Bay Regional Council (HBRC)
Name of submitters: Hastings District Council (HDC)
Regarding: Application by Te Mata Mushroom Company Ltd (TMM) to discharge
contaminants into air from a composting and mushroom growing
operation, and associated activities at 174 176 Brookvale Road,
Havelock North (Application).
1. The Application seeks approval to increase compost production at the Application site from 120
tonnes per week to 500 tonnes per week, an increase of over 300%.
2. This increase is not authorised by TMMs current land use consent, and a new land use consent
will be required. HDC considers that the Application should be put on hold to allow for the
necessary land use consents to be sought, and that all applications necessary to authorise the
proposal be considered together, in accordance with s 91 Resource Management Act 1991.
3. In its current form, the Application does not adequately assess adverse odour effects of the
increase in compost production. HDC considers there is potential for adverse odour effects to
occur with no provision for their avoidance or mitigation.
4. As a consequence, the grant of consent to the Application in its current form would be contrary
to relevant objectives and policies in the Regional Resource Management Plan.
5. Absent the provision of further information to address HDC’s concerns, outlined in further detail
below, HDC opposes the grant of consent.
6. The Introduction to the Application asserts that, in 2013:
a resource consent was obtained to increase the scale of the growing facilities by
constructing additional mushroom growing rooms, effectively consenting the entire
operation from a land use perspective.
Application, page 7.
7. The Application further suggests that increased compost production is necessary to optimise the
growing capacity of the operation i.e. that provided for under Hastings District Council consent
RMA 20130216”.
8. HDC is concerned that the Application suggests that its land use consent RMA 20130216
authorises the proposed increase in compost production on the Application Site. It does not.
TMM’s application for land use consent specified that there was to be no increase in compost
production, stating (emphasis added):
It is important to note that the production capacity of the operation will continue to be
limited DP100128A [air discharge consent] i.e. there will be no change in respect to the
volume of compost authorised to be produced on site.
9. The applicant reiterated that no increase in compost production was proposed in an email stating
(emphasis added):
No additional deliveries of straw or other inputs are envisaged to occur as production levels
are already limited by DP100128A (HBRC air discharge permit).
The purpose of the additional growing rooms is to optimise the current operation, but as the
volume of compost produced will not increase, the proposed buildings are unlikely to result
in an increase in the number of staff on site or the number of car parks required, nor will
they influence any existing loading or delivery patterns.
10. The grant of the land use consent application was premised on compost production levels
remaining the same, which affected HDC’s assessment of relevant matters including odour and
traffic effects. An increase in compost production would require a new land use consent.
11. HDC also notes that the plans provided with the Application are unclear, and there is no certainty
that the physical works proposed are consistent with the current land use consent.
12. HDC considers that the current Application should be heard in conjunction with an application
for the necessary land use consent, to ensure there is a holistic understanding of the nature of
the proposal, and its effects on the environment, and a complementary set of conditions. It
therefore considers that HBRC should determine not to proceed with a hearing at this time, under
s 91 Resource Management Act 1991.
Letter Cameron Drury, Cheal Consultants to Roger Wiffin (then Hastings District Council), 5 August 2013
‘176 Brookvale Road: RMA20130178 Additional Intensive Rural Production Activities / Buildings’, p4.
Email Cameron Drury to Roger Wiffin, ‘Re RMA20130216 Te Mata Mushrooms’, 31 January 2014.
HDC notes that the area in which composting is to occur is outside the Scheduled Site area.
13. HDC acknowledges that its role as submitter in this hearing means that any hearing of the land
use consent will likely need to be heard by an Independent Commissioner(s).
14. The Application is supported by an odour assessment, prepared by Air Quality Professionals. In
order to inform its position of the Application, HDC engaged Tonkin & Taylor to review that
assessment (T&T report). The T&T report is attached as Attachment A.
15. The T&T report indicates some gaps in the assessment which indicate that there may be adverse
odour effects, in particular:
(a) Mitigation to address current odour effects will not be implemented for 8 months (in the
case of transfer of compost from Phase 1 bunkers to Phase 2 tunnel); or until production
reaches 200 tonnes (first and second turning of compost in Phase 1 bunkers and laying out
mixing and breaking bales). This indicates:
(i) Current odour potential will remain high for 8 months (and may increase if the
proposal is that production would increase in the first 8 months);
(ii) Current odour potential will remain Moderate-High / Moderate for an indeterminate
period until production reaches 200 tonnes. Because over this time production will
increase by 66%, these existing levels of odour potential are expected to increase;
(b) If and when production reaches 200 tonnes per week, mitigation measures will be put in
place. That mitigation then allows production to increase to 500 tonnes before the final
mitigation package is required to be implemented. The T&T report anticipates that there
will be increased odour effects over time, particularly associated with a greater quantity of
bales being broken and wetted, and larger volumes of material needing to be transferred
and mixed in Phases 1 and 2.
16. As the trigger for implementation of mitigation relates to production volume, there is potential
for ‘Moderate High’ odour effects to continue indefinitely, if production operates just below the
200 tonne or 500 tonne thresholds.
17. The T&T report notes that the air quality assessment provided with the Application does not
assess the point at which odour effects may become offensive and objectionable, and states:
Given the proximity of sensitive receptors, a Low to Moderate potential for adverse odour
impacts may equate to odour effects that are offensive and objectionable.
18. Based on T&T’s report, HDC considers that the grant of consent to the Application in its current
form would result in offensive and objectionable odours beyond the boundary of the site, for
which adequate mitigation is not provided and which could occur over a long period of time.
19. On the strength of the T&T Report’s assessment that the Application may involve offensive and
objectionable odours beyond the boundary of the Application site, HDC considers that there is a
conflict between the Application and the applicable objectives and policies in the Regional
Resource Management Plan, particularly:
(a) Objective 18, which relates to the expansion of existing activities which are tied
operationally to a specific location, and requires the mitigation of off site impacts or
nuisance effects arising from the location of conflicting land activities adjacent to, or in the
vicinity of, areas required for current or future operational needs”;
(b) Or Objective 16 which requires the avoidance or mitigation of off site impacts or nuisance
effects arising from the location of conflicting land use activities, for future activities;
(c) Policy 8 which requires HBRC to have regard to the ‘FIDOL’ factors when considering
conditions on resource consents where a discharge of odour to air occurs;
(d) Objective 20, which provides that the use of organic materials from industries processing
primary productsdoes not result in adverse effects on humans or the environment”
(e) Policy 14, which relates to the establishment and maintenance of separation distances for
the storage, use or disposal of organic material to ensure that there are no offensive or
objectionable odours imposed on neighbouring properties;
(f) Objective 39a, which refers to A standard of local air quality is maintained that is not
detrimental to human health, amenity values or the life supporting capacity of air”.
(g) Policy 69 which requires the management of effects of activities affecting air quality so that
There should be no offensive or objectionable odour beyond the boundary of the subject
20. HDC notes that Objective 18 refers to existing activities being ‘tied operationally’ to the
Application site. HDC notes that other mushroom farms carry out composting operations on
separate sites from where the mushroom farms themselves are located, and this is an alternative
which has not been adequately addressed in the Application. It will be necessary for HBRC to
determine whether Objective 16 or 18 applies.
21. For the reasons noted above, HDC seeks that the Application be put on hold and assessed
together with an application for land use consent necessary to authorise the increased compost
production now proposed.
22. HDC also seeks clarification from TMM, prior to the hearing if possible, on those issues raised in
the T&T report, and outlined above. Concerns particularly relate to the assessment and
quantification of adverse odour effects at all relevant stages (first 8 months, near to 200 tonnes
production without mitigation required at 200 tonnes, near to 500 tonnes production without
mitigation required at 500 tonnes, and at 500 tonnes production). HDC considers that this
information should be pre-circulated to submitters as soon as possible, to ensure adequate
opportunity to understand the proposal and comment on it at the hearing.
23. If there is insufficient certainty that an increase in compost production cannot occur without
causing offensive or objectionable odours beyond the boundary of the Application site, then HDC
seeks that:
(a) Consent only be granted for that level of compost production for which the odour effects
can be adequately mitigated; or
(b) Consent be declined.
24. In the event that consent is granted, HDC considers that the consent should be subject to a
condition requiring that there be no offensive or objectionable odour beyond the boundary of
the Application site; and that additional conditions be imposed to ensure appropriate mitigation
of effects, such as:
(a) Preventing any increase in compost production until the initial mitigation works are in place
(noting that it would be inappropriate to allow for an increase in production, and therefore
odour, to occur within the first 8 months before mitigation is implemented);
(b) The possibility of a staged consent, for instance additional production being triggered only
after monitoring and/or an odour assessment establishes that the mitigation works are
operating as forecast.
Attachment A Tonkin & Taylor Report
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd | 105 Carlton Gore Rd, Newmarket, Auckland 1023, New Zealand
PO Box 5271, Wellesley St, Auckland 1141
355 6000
307 0265
Job No: 1002348
12 June 2017
Hastings District Council
Private Bag 9002
Attention: Neil Taylor
Dear Neil
Review of Te Mata Mushrooms Odour Assessment
1 Introduction
This report sets out a technical review of the consent application by the Te Mata Mushroom
Company (TMM) for an air discharge consent for the existing facility at 174 to 176 Brookvale Rd,
Havelock North. Our report focuses on the technical aspects of the assessment of odour effects.
We have reviewed the following documents:
Odour Assessment – Te Mata Mushrooms. Air Quality Professionals Pty Ltd. 19 December
2016 (Odour Assessment).
Application for Resource Consent to Discharge Contaminants into Air. The Te Mata Mushroom
Company. Cheal Consultants Ltd. 20 December 2016 (Consent Application)
Response to Request for Further Information. Cheal Consultants Ltd. 27 March 2017 (Further
This report is set out as follows:
An overview of our findings;
A review of the methodology used to assess odour effects;
Comments on the possible impact of increased production on odour emissions; and
Comments on the proposed odour mitigation measures and timing.
2 Overview
The purpose of the Odour Assessment includes to “assess the potential impact of the proposal to
increase compost production to 500 tonnes per week coinciding with the implementation of odour
mitigation measures.
The Good Practice Guide (GPG)
states that the purpose of an odour assessment to accompany a
resource consent application is generally to “determine whether the odour is (or will be) offensive
and/or objectionable, and therefore likely to cause adverse effects on the local community.” In New
Ministry for the Environment. 2016. Good Practice Guide for Assessing and Managing Odour. Wellington: Ministry for the
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd
Review of Te Mata Mushrooms Odour Assessment
Hastings District Council
June 2017
Job No: 1002348
Zealand, a qualitative approach to assessing odour effects using a FIDOL assessment (rather than the
alternative of a numerical, modelling assessment), is often the most suitable approach.
A FIDOL assessment considers the frequency, intensity, duration, offensiveness/character, and
location of the odour (as this relates to the sensitivity of the receiving environment) and makes an
overall judgement as to whether the effects are (or are likely to be) offensive or objectionable. It is
necessary to consider both chronic and acute effects. Acute effects are situations where a single
exposure, for example to a very strong odour, is sufficient to be considered offensive or
objectionable. Chronic effects can arise from cumulative exposure to a number of odour events
that, taken in isolation, would not individually constitute an offensive or objectionable.
An odour assessment for a change to an existing activity generally considers the current effects of
the activity (which are already known) and compares these with the predicted effects after the
proposed changes. In the case of the TMM application, the proposed changes comprise both
improvements to odour control and an increase in production. The application covers four different
periods of time (scenarios) with different odour characteristics:
a zero to eight months after granting consent (existing level of odour effects);
b additional odour controls eight months after granting consent;
c further odour controls after production reaches 200 tonnes per week; and
d an increase in production from 200 tonnes per week to up to 500 tonnes per week.
The Odour Assessment considers only scenarios (a) (Table 9 of the Odour Assessment) and (d) (Table
10 of the Odour Assessment). The Odour Assessment does not describe the potential for adverse
odour effects if production does not increase beyond 200 tonnes per annum (scenario b), and
further odour controls are not implemented. This is important because the further odour controls
are contingent on is a substantial increase (66%) over the current production limit of 120 tonnes per
annum and the application does not propose any timeframe for this to occur. We understand that
the potential for odour effects during this intervening period will be higher than the “future upgrade
and expanded scenario” (scenario d). These effects need to be characterised as the consent being
sought would authorise this level of emissions indefinitely.
The odour character and sensitivity of the receiving environment are unchanged within each of the
scenarios identified above (although there is the potential for sensitivity of the receiving
environment to increase longer term if further residential housing is developed in the vicinity of the
site). Therefore, we would expect the odour assessment to characterise the change in frequency,
intensity and duration of odours of each subsequent period.
The Odour Assessment identifies the principal sources of odour at the site and rates their relative
potential to cause adverse effects. This rating includes consideration of some aspects of the FIDOL
factors, such as the day of week the activity occurs and, in some cases, the duration of the activity.
However, it is not clear how the relative “potential for adverse odour impacts at sensitive receptors”
of these different sources relates to actual effects on the environment. Therefore, while the
assessment anticipates a relative reduction in the potential for adverse odour impacts over time, the
assessment does not fully characterise the effects of the residual odour or make an overall
judgement as to whether the odours would be offensive or objectionable.
The assessment includes an evaluation of the proposed odour control measures against best
practice and the best practicable option. We understand that some activities cannot be fully
enclosed and vented to an odour control system (such as complete enclosure of the Phase 1 transfer
process). Certain activities will need to be carried out outdoors (such as bale breaking and mixing)
or in partially enclosed areas (e.g. “full enclosure” of Phase 1 transfer). Consequently, the Odour
Assessment acknowledges that odour emissions will not be eliminated. For this reason, we consider
that there needs to be consideration as to the adequacy of separation from sensitive receptors to
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd
Review of Te Mata Mushrooms Odour Assessment
Hastings District Council
June 2017
Job No: 1002348
avoid adverse effects of these residual odours, as well as from unplanned emissions that may occur
from time to time (such as failure of the biofilter or breaking straw bales that have unexpectedly
gone anaerobic).
The Odour Assessment concludes that the relative potential for odour effects from the future
upgraded and expanded site operations is “Low-Moderate”. It does not make any overall
judgement, based on a FIDOL assessment, as to whether the effects would be acceptable or result in
an adverse effect. Given the proximity of sensitive receptors, a Low to Moderate potential for
adverse odour impacts may equate to odour effects that are offensive and objectionable.
3 Odour assessment methodology
3.1 Receiving environment
The Odour Assessment identifies sensitive activities in the area and discusses the increase in
sensitivity of the receiving environment over time as residential housing has moved close to the
western side of the TMM site. The AEE Report identifies that the area on the eastern side of Arataki
Road is a Residential Urban Growth Area (shown in Figure 2.6) under the Hastings District Plan. We
understand that Arataki is not currently intended for development and its status is intended to be
changed to a reserve area. Any decision to rezone this land to residential could reduce the
separation distance to sensitive receptors and increase the sensitivity of the receiving environment.
Although it is not explicitly stated in the Odour Assessment, we understand that it assumes the
sensitivity of the receiving environment does not change over time.
3.2 Use of assessment tools
The Good Practice Guide outlines a range of odour assessment tools. It is not necessary to use all of
these tools, however the GPG suggests the priority that should be given to the various tools
depending on the situation. The selection of appropriate tools for an odour assessment depends on:
Whether the activity is existing or proposed – in this case the resource consent application is
to authorise modifications to an existing activity (an increase in production); and
Whether the odour effects are likely to be chronic or acute - in this case both chronic and
effects are possible.
The following table sets out the assessment tools described in the GPG and identifies whether they
have been used in the assessment. Assessment tools that are recommended as a high priority in the
GPG, but have not been used in the assessment are identified in bold/underline and discussed after
the table.
Table 1: Use of recommended odour assessment tools
Assessment tool Priority
Used in Odour
Community consultation High No Neither the Odour Assessment nor the
AEE make any reference to consultation
having been undertaken.
Complaint records High Yes The Odour Assessment uses the review
of recent odour complaints (since
September 2014) to inform the odour
mitigation strategy.
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd
Review of Te Mata Mushrooms Odour Assessment
Hastings District Council
June 2017
Job No: 1002348
Assessment tool Priority
Used in Odour
The AEE sets out a longer history of
odour complaints but does not directly
relate these to effects.
High Yes, indirectly While the Odour Assessment does not
explicitly refer to experiences of the
industry or regional council with other
similar discharges, this is effectively
covered by the discussion of best
Odour annoyance
High (chronic
No Odour annoyance surveys are generally
only appropriate where there is
sufficient residential density to generate
statistically significant results. Odour
diaries can be used as an alternative to
an odour annoyance survey.
Meteorology and terrain
High (to assess
effects of
Yes The assessment includes a discussion of
meteorology and terrain as these relate
to dispersion of odours.
Review emission control
Moderate (acute
Yes The assessment includes an evaluation
of best practice and BPO.
Odour diaries and
weather monitoring
Moderate No Recommended in areas with low
population density (i.e. where odour
survey would be of limited use)
Review of odour
management plan and
contingency procedures,
risk assessment
High (acute
The Odour Assessment does not
explicitly identify high probability/ low
potential impact and low probability/
high impact events.
Olfactometry and odour
Low No We do not consider that olfactometry
and odour modelling would be an
appropriate tool for this situation as the
emission sources are difficult to quantify
and, as this is an existing activity, there
are tools that are more appropriate to
evaluate actual effects on the
Table 1 highlights that the assessment does not use any community feedback tools other than
complaints records. However, there are a number of reasons why odour complaints records may
not be a reliable indicator of odour effects, or the level of community concern about odour.
The longer term odour complaints record (p16 of the Consent Application) highlights an increase in
complaints since 2012. The Consent Application attributes this to an increase in residential dwellings
in the vicinity of the site, which we agree is likely given the number of people that may be exposed
to odours have increased. The Odour Assessment also notes a significant increase in complaints in
2015/16 compared to 2014/15 and suggests that may be related to the timing of the Environment
Court hearing for the prosecution of TMM rather than as a direct indication of an increase in odour
emissions from the site. In our experience, an increase in odour complaints can occur around the
time of consent applications or enforcement actions, so this may be the case. However, another
recognised phenomenon is “complaint fatigue” whereby people may initially complain but then
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd
Review of Te Mata Mushrooms Odour Assessment
Hastings District Council
June 2017
Job No: 1002348
stop, or not complain at all, because they consider that it will be ineffective. Complaint fatigue may
(or may not) have been a contributing factor to the relatively low level of complaints prior to
Overall, we consider that the Odour Assessment would have been more complete if it had
incorporated direct feedback from the community on odour effects. This could have been achieved
qualitatively through consultation, or quantitatively by using an odour annoyance survey or odour
diaries. Because these tools have not being used, the odour effects of TMMs current activities are
not fully characterised in terms of the frequency, intensity and duration of odours. As a
consequence, although the Assessment indicates that odour effects will reduce over time, it is
unclear what the actual residual level of odour effects will be at the various stages identified.
Another gap in the odour assessment is a lack of identification of potential breakdowns or other
scenarios that might give rise to abnormal odour emissions, as well as an assessment of the risk of
these occurring and discussion of contingency measures. It is unclear to what extent abnormal
emissions have been the cause of odour complaints compared to normal, ongoing emissions. At a
minimum, we consider there should be a risk assessment be undertaken and contingency measures
identified for inclusions in an odour management plan (if consent is granted).
3.3 Qualitative rating of odour emission sources
The Odour Assessment uses a qualitative rating scale to determine the potential for adverse odour
impacts from each of the various sources. The report states that the rating is based on:
The degree of unpleasantness of the odour;
The time of day when the activity is carried out (related to meteorological conditions);
The author’s observations of odour strength from each source;
Size and volumetric flow rates of each source;
Time of day when sources are present (as this relates to meteorology); and
The author’s experience with the typical rate of downwind dispersion of odours from such
We consider that this qualitative approach is appropriate to evaluate the relative potential for
effects and that the rating takes into account the appropriate factors. T+T staff have previously
visited the TMM site and the key odour sources identified are consistent with our observations at
the time.
The odour ratings for the pre-2015 situation have been broadly calibrated against the complaints
records, which suggest that complaints were more likely on a Tuesday (when Phase 1 to Phase 2
transfer takes place) or Friday (bunker to bunker transfer), followed by a Monday (bunker to bunker
transfer) or Thursday (bale breaking). This is consistent with these activities being rated as having a
high potential for adverse odour impacts (apart from bale breaking and mixing which is rated as
Following a number of improvements in odour control, the current (since early 2016) level of odour
effects is anticipated to be reduced compared to the pre-2015 situation. The Odour Assessment
anticipates that the potential for adverse odour impacts is still high on a Tuesday but would have
reduced somewhat on Mondays and Fridays (from high to moderate-high). Given that it is
approaching mid-2017, there should now be evidence available (such as from community feedback)
to verify this assessment. Ground-truthing of the current scenario would increase confidence in the
findings related to future scenarios.
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd
Review of Te Mata Mushrooms Odour Assessment
Hastings District Council
June 2017
Job No: 1002348
4 Impact of increased production on odour effects
A series of odour control improvements are proposed when production reaches 200 tonnes per
week. The application provides for a further increase in production to up to 500 tonnes per week.
The Odour Assessment considers the ultimate “future, upgraded and expanded” scenario (Table 10
of Odour Assessment), but not the interim scenario of around 200 tonnes per week production. We
consider it likely that there would be a correlation of increasing odour emissions with increasing
production rates, for the following reasons:
More raw material brought onto the site;
A greater quantity of bales needing to be broken and wetted;
More partially composted material present on the site at any one time;
Larger volumes of material needing to be transferred between bunkers/tunnels; and
Possibly more finished composted present on the site at any one time.
Consequently, we consider it likely that odour emissions from the site will reduce once production
reaches 200 tonnes per annum and further odour controls are put in place, but then increase over
time as production increases.
Table 2 sets out our comments on the possible impacts on odour of increased production.
Table 2: Odour effects of increased production from 200 to 500 tonnes per week
Effect of increased
Odour Assessment Commentary
More raw material stored
on the site
Further Information states that if
additional bunkers are required
these will be of the same standard
as the existing ones.
Not likely to be a significant odour
source provided mixing continues to
be carried out off-site and material is
stored indoors.
Greater quantity of bales
needing to be broken and
The footprint for bale wetting will be
similar to current dimensions.
May be necessary to minimise the
duration of bale breaking and avoid
early morning period.
We would expect the odour
generation rate to be related to the
volume of straw/ wastewater rather
than just the footprint. On this basis,
we expect odour emissions would
increase with increasing production.
More partially composted
material present on the
site at any one time
Vented air will be treated through a
new biofilter
Odour emissions should not increase
substantially provided the biofilter is
appropriately sized and properly
Larger volumes of material
needing to be transferred
between Phase 1
Duration of bunker to bunker
transfers will be no longer than
currently used.
May be necessary to minimise the
duration of bunker to bunker
transfers and avoid early morning
Odour emissions will not change as
production increases.
Bunker to bunker transfers are
currently rated as ‘moderate-high’.
Once the third bunker is built, outdoor
transfer times will reduce and the
rating reduces to ‘low-moderate’.
However, outdoor transfer times will
progressively increase with
production. If the duration of
transfers returns to current levels, it is
unclear why the potential for effects
does not return to “Moderate-High”
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd
Review of Te Mata Mushrooms Odour Assessment
Hastings District Council
June 2017
Job No: 1002348
Effect of increased
Odour Assessment Commentary
Larger volumes of material
needing to be mixed and
placed in Phase 2 tunnels
Not discussed Outdoor transfer times will
progressively increase with
production. Although the Phase 2
material is not as odorous as Phase 1,
we expect that the potential for odour
effects will increase with production.
More finished composted
present on the site at any
one time
Not discussed Not likely to be a significant odour
source if spent compost piles are well-
managed and removed from the site
within 7 days.
5 Mitigation measures
The Odour Assessment identifies the activities with the greatest potential for offsite odour impacts,
in order of importance and excluding activities with a low potential, as being:
1 Transfer of compost from Phase 1 bunkers into Phase 2 tunnel (High)
2 First and second turning of compost in Phase 1 bunkers (Moderate – High)
3 Laying out bales then breaking, mixing and placing into bunker (Moderate)
4 Bale wetting (Low-Moderate)
5 Phase 2 composting (Low-Moderate)
Appendix A outlines our understanding of the proposed mitigation measures and timing of
implementation, as well as the relative potential for adverse odour impacts after each stage of
The timing of the proposed mitigation is such that the second and third highest priority sources, will
not be fully addressed until production exceeds 200 tonnes per week (a 66% increase over the
current production limit of 120 tonnes per week). There will be a partial improvement in odour
emissions from the first and second turning of Phase 1 compost, however the outdoor transfer of
compost from one end of the bunker to the other using a loader will continue. The existing level of
odour emissions from bale wetting/breaking activities, which are assessed as having a Moderate
potential for odour effects, would continue indefinitely if production did not increase beyond 200
tonnes per week. These odour emissions could increase if production increased towards, but did not
exceed, 200 tonnes per week.
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd
Review of Te Mata Mushrooms Odour Assessment
Hastings District Council
June 2017
Job No: 1002348
6 Applicability
This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client Hastings District Council, with
respect to the particular brief given to us and it may not be relied upon in other contexts or for any
other purpose, or by any person other than our client, without our prior written agreement.
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd
Environmental and Engineering Consultants
Report prepared by:
Jenny Simpson
Director – Natural Resources
Appendix A : Summary of mitigation measures
Mitigation to be
implemented within 8
months of consent
Odour potential
after 8 months
Mitigation to be
once production
exceeds 200
tonnes per 7
Odour potential after
production exceeds
200 tonnes
Transfer of compost
from Phase 1 bunkers
into Phase 2 tunnel
High Construct a new
hopper and turning
building. The compost
will be turned inside
the new building
before transfer to the
Phase 2 tunnels
Install a new biofilter to
treat air extracted from
the new building.
First and second
turning of compost in
Phase 1 bunkers
Moderate –
Extend the length of
each existing bunker by
10m and construct a
canopy with additional
air extraction (‘full
Not stated Construct a third
bunker with full
enclosure. This
will avoid the
need to transfer
compost from
one end of the
bunker to the
other using a
Low-Moderate It is unclear whether the existing
biofilter can accommodate the
additional air flows proposed from
around the new extensions/
canopies on the existing building.
The AEE states that construction of
the additional bunker is only
required to accommodate
production increases. However the
air quality assessment notes that the
additional bunker will avoid the
need to transfer compost outside
from one end of the bunker to the
other - this will minimise loader
travel distances and the duration of
compost exposure outdoors.
Mitigation to be
implemented within 8
months of consent
Odour potential
after 8 months
Mitigation to be
once production
exceeds 200
tonnes per 7
Odour potential after
production exceeds
200 tonnes
Laying out bales then
breaking, mixing and
placing into bunker
Moderate Moderate Install bale
breaking machine
Construct a semi-
enclosed bale
blending line
under the eave
attached to the
Phase 1 bunker
with air
Bale wetting Low-
Low-Moderate Pre-wet the bales
over an aerated
Bale spiking to
recycled water
into the centre of
the bales This
reduces the time
that the bales
need to be laid
out for wetting
Phase 2 composting Low-
Duct odour emissions
to the new biofilter.
Low The air quality assessment notes
that once production increases
beyond 500 tonnes per week, the
existing Phase 2 tunnels will be
extended and additional tunnels
constructed. We assume this would
increase the volume of air needing
Mitigation to be
implemented within 8
months of consent
Odour potential
after 8 months
Mitigation to be
once production
exceeds 200
tonnes per 7
Odour potential after
production exceeds
200 tonnes
to be treated, so this wo
uld need to
be taken into account in the design
of the new biofilter.