Van Wagenen Library Digital Repository
Describe the item you are submitting: Red fields are required.
1. Author:
Enter the name of the author of this item below.
Last name First name
2. Your position at SUNY Cobleskill: Faculty Student Staff
3. Additional Authors:
If the submission has more than one author, list all additional authors here. Type (fac), (stu), (sta) after each name
to signify their position at SUNY Cobleskill.
4. Title:
Enter the main title of the item.
5. Other Titles:
If the item has any alternative titles, please enter them below.
6. Date your submission was created:
You can leave out the day and/or month if they aren't applicable.
Year Month Day
7. Content Type:
Select the type(s) of content of the item. You may select more than one type.
Learning Object
Musical Score
Plan or blueprint
Recording, acoustical
Recording, musical
Recording, oral
Technical Report
Please keep individual file sizes to 10 megabytes each. Contact us if you need to submit a larger file or if
you have any other questions email Peter Barvoets at or call 255-5894
8. Descriptors:
Please provide any key words or key topics that help describe your submission:
9. Brief Abstract:
Provide a brief, 2-4 sentence summary describing the purpose and content of the documents and/or data you
would like to share.
10. Description:
Enter any other description or comments in this box.
11. I have also completed and signed the license agreement.
To submit this form, fill out all the applicable fields and print the form. You may not be able to save the completed form
at this time so be sure to print an extra copy for your records. Questions, Email or call Peter Barvoets at 255-5894
Once you have printed this form out, send it along with your signed license agreement to the library. You must complete
and sign the license agreement for each item you submit to the digital repository. Send your file(s) to Peter Barvoets with the title of your submission (from field 4 above) as the subject line of your email.
ou may also scan this completed form and the license agreement and email the forms and file(s) to
. Be sure to identify the submissions with the title from field 4 in the subject line of your emails.