Subdivision Submission Checklist
Please fill all boxes as: complete, N/A or waiver requested
Reference from Big Flats Zoning Law: Complete:
16.08.030 (A) (4) Ten Copies of Preliminary Plat
layout and supplementary material specified.
16.08.030 (A) (6) Traffic, provisions for
Stormwater drainage, sewage disposal and
the adequacy of proposed sites for parks,
playgrounds, and other community facilities
16.08.030 (B) Requirements for preliminary plat
shall be drawn on one or more sheets of
reproducible material and shall include the
information listed below.
16.08.030 (B) (1) A location map showing the
boundaries of the total tract in relation to
adjoining streets; schematically the locations
if within 500 feet of the proposed subdivision.
16.08.030 (B) (1) (a) The nearest elementary
16.08.030 (B) (1) (b) Water and sewer lines
16.08.030 (B) (1) (c) Parks and playgrounds
16.08.030 (B) (1) (d) Other public facilities, such
as shopping, churches, and public
transportation routes as appropriate.
16.08.030 (B) (2) A copy of such proposed
covenants or deed restrictions as are
intended to cover all or part of the tract
16.08.030 (B) (3) Title of the subdivision,
including name and address of the applicant,
who shall have some interest in the land, or
the owner of parcel to be subdivided.
16.08.030 (B) (4) North point, scale, date, and
location map
16.08.030 (B) (5) A topographic map prepared
by a licensed land surveyor showing ground
contours adjacent to and within the tract to
Town of Big Flats
Department of Planning
476 Maple Street
Big Flats, NY 14814
P (607) 562-8443
F (607) 562-7063
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be subdivided at intervals of not more than
2ft. of elevation, and all pertinent
topographic and planimetric features within
and adjoining the tract;
16.08.030 (B) (6) Existing roads, existing
buildings, water courses and their 100 year
floodplains, steep slopes, water bodies,
wetlands, wooded areas, individual large
trees, and all certified Agricultural District
boundaries within 50ft of the proposed
subdivision boundaries. Other features to be
retained should be so indicated.
16.08.030 (B) (7) Names of owners and applicant
and tax parcel identification number(s) for all
lots that adjoin the subdivision
16.08.030 (B) (8) Indication of the zoning of the
tract and any other legal restrictions of use;
16.08.030 (B) (9) The plat shall be prepared by a
professional engineer, architect, or licensed
land surveyor licensed to practice in NYS.
The plat shall bear the name or names of
said professional responsible for the
preparation of the preliminary plat
16.08.030 (B) (10) The approximate lines and
areas of proposed lots , including required
setbacks, which shall be numbered and the
location of existing or proposed access to
public roads from all lots. If the proposal is
to develop in phases, the entire preliminary
plat shall identify such phases within the
entire lot
16.08.030 (B) (11) The dimensions and
arrangements of lots, which shall be such
that there will be buildable lots in
compliance with all requirements of the
zoning law. In general, side lot lines shall be
at right angles or radial t road right-of way
16.08.030 (B) (12) Existing storm water
management features, water lines, hydrants
and sanitary sewers nearby & within the
tract, with location size, type and approx.
elevations. Also existing easements
16.08.030 (B) (13) Width & location of any
existing roads or public ways, the approx.
lines, gradients & road profiles of all
proposed roads and sidewalks.
16.08.030 (B) (14) Location of all existing
buildings & proposed building envelopes
indicating setback dimensions.
16.08.030 (B) (15) Approximate locations &
dimensions of areas proposed for parks or
playgrounds or other permanent open space
16.08.030 (B) (16) Statement as to proposed
source of water supply & method of sewage
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16.08.030 (B) (17) Proposed system for
stormwater drainage indicating the approx.
location & sizes of proposed lines and their
profiles, connection to existing lines or
alternate means of control. A drainage
report to include items listed in section B 17,
(a through f)
16.08.030 (B) (18) Location of any municipal
boundary lines, existing special service lines,
and zoning district lines within the lot to be
16.08.030 (B) (19) Indications of all proposed and
nonconforming lots showing the required
and actual areas, yards & setbacks as
16.08.030 (B) (20) A reproducible overlay
showing all soil areas & their classification as
determined by Natural Resources
Conservation Service & those areas with
moderate to high susceptibility to erosion (&
outline of existing vegetation & proposals for
erosion control)
16.08.030 (B) (21) Design , plans & cross-sections
showing proposed location & type of roads,
sidewalks, road lighting, road trees, curbs,
water mains, sanitary sewers, & size & type
16.08.030 (B) (22) Design of any proposed
bridges or culverts, which may be required
16.08.030 (B) (23) Completed application forms
as provided by the town & such additional
explanation of the purpose of the subdivision
as appropriate.
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