Subdivision Engineering Approval
Data Checklist
Resource Consent Number
Subdivision Name and Stage
Date Approval Requested
Section 1:
Documents received:
Full set of Engineering Plans
Design Report
Stormwater Management Report
ECan Consent
Design Certificate / Producer Statement
Section 2:
General items to be reviewed:
Confirm Engineering Plans match
Consented plans
Confirm all conditions of Consent are met
Section 3:
Earthworks Design Check:
Lots shaped to roads for overland flows
Boundary tie in on adjacent lots?
Retaining walls/batters
Approval from adjacent lot owner for
Section 4:
Roading Design Check:
Carriageway and Legal widths comply with
minimum standards
Berm width (Space for trees and services)
Shared paths required on main roads?
Pedestrian links and kerb cutdowns
Pedestrain crossing at islands
Cul-de-sacs diameter complies
Crossfall of road and berm
Road Markings
Give way road markings at intersection?
Frontage upgrades required?
Heavy duty beams at ROWs (>2)
Service trench detail
Section 5:
Water Design Check:
Laterals to each lot
32mm lateral to rear lot
Meters are next to boundary
Hydrant spacing
Valve locations
Pipe sizing
Ring feed to all submains
Main 'roadside' of service trench
Submain 500mm from boundary
Thrust blocks required at bends?
Restricted connections/high pressure
Section 6:
Sewer Design Check:
Gravity / LPS
Laterals to each lot - centered
LPS - boundary boxes
Main - 2m from kerb
Manhole spacing
Depth of main - collector Y/N
Depth of laterals - able to service full
extents of lots?
Pipe sizing
Flow deviation angles
Section 7:
Stormwater Design Check:
Lots discharge - laterals / soakpit
Reticulation - pipe size calculations
Soakpit calculations
Swale size calculations
Soakage rate on site
Reticulation - gradients
Reticulation - depth >750
Sump spacing
Known flooding area?
Min FFL required?
Secondary flow paths
Section 8:
Checked and Approved by:
Date approved: