Eligibility for all awards:
1. Undergraduate students should have completed a minimum of 30 hours by the time of departure. Graduate students should
have completed at least 9 graduate credit hours.
2. Students should have and maintain a minimum 2.5 overall GPA and some scholarships will have a higher GPA requirement.
4. After returning from abroad, student will:
• provide the Oce of International Education and/or academic department with at least two photos with a description
taken during the period abroad.
• write a thank you letter to the donor for providing the scholarship.
• promote Study Abroad in conjunction with the Oce of International Education and/or the academic department
through which study was arranged.
• make a campus presentation on the study abroad experience.
Wichita State University | International Education | 1845 Fairmount Street | Wichita, Kansas 67260-0122
tele: (316) 978-3232 | fax: (316) 978-3777 | e-mail: studyabroad@wichita.edu | web: www.wichita.edu/studyabroad
Study Abroad Scholarship Requirements
(although summer abroad program hours may vary).
Started in the acceptance form.
3. Students must have been accepted to a full-time study abroad program approved by the Oce of International Education
4. Applicants must demonstrate a nancial need through their application and accompanying essay.
5. No recipient will be excluded from consideration based on race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation,
marital status, military, or disability status.
Instructions to apply:
1. Complete attached application form either by typing or printing very clearly.
2. Arrange for two reference forms to be submitted directly to the Oce of International Education:
• At least one must be from a university level professor.
• e other form may be provided by faculty or sta from anywhere, including an employer (not from friends
or family members.)
• e letters should address the applicant’s motivation and seriousness of purpose, emotional stability and maturity,
self-reliance and independence and academic suitability for study abroad.
3. Submit a statement explaining your reasons for wanting to study abroad, the relationship of the program to your course of
study or future plans, and your nancial need for this award. (Essay should not exceed one page, typed).
Applicants must agree to conditions on Scholarship Acceptance Form:
1. Scholarship funds will only be used for the study abroad program identied on the application (unless ocial change is made
through the Oce of International Education.)
2. If for some reason the program is not completed, student will return all of the scholarship funds to Wichita State University.
3. While abroad, student will make at least one presentation at host institution introducing Wichita State if requested by
that institution.