Study Abroad and International Exchanges
2015/2016 Grant Application
(Continuing and Global Education Use Only)
Check the term in which you are traveling:
p Fall 2015 p Winter 2016 p Spring 2016
p Summer 2016 p All Year
Approximate Travel Dates: ______________________________________
Please note: Our Faculty led trips were previously awarded IRA funding as a group, so students do not need to apply on an individual basis.
Refer to your Faculty leader, listed on our website ( for additional
information. It is under the Faculty leader’s discretion as to who will receive IRA grants from their trip.
Funding preference is given to study abroad programs, or individuals, that are not already receiving funds from any other Instructionally Related
Activities (IRA) projects. Students are expected to share what they gain from their study abroad experience with fellow students and faculty
upon their return via a follow-up service project.
Submit this application to Continuing and Global Education, Kremen Education building, room 130, 559.278.0165. Please include two essays,
1) Statement of Purpose addressing the impact that this study abroad program will have on you and 2) Service Project Proposal on how you plan
to share your study abroad experience with student groups, in a classroom, or at a promotional event. Explain how you will inspire others to
participate in a study abroad program if given the opportunity to share your experiences.
Applicant Information
*Funding provided by Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) funds. If you are NOT a matriculated student, or a GS Continuing (zero units) student
and do NOT pay tuition which includes the IRA fee, you will not qualify for the travel study grant.
Name: ________________________________________ Student ID No. __________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
City/State: _____________________________________ Zip Code: _______________________________________
Current Phone: _________________________________ Current Email: ___________________________________
Educational Major: ______________________________ Class Standing: __________________________________
Units Completed: __________ GPA: ___________ Expected Graduation Term: ____________ Year: _____________
Ethnic Group—Please select ethnicity—this information will not be used in the decision process.
p African-American p American Indian p Asian p Hispanic p Pacic Islander p White
p Decline to state p Other: ________________
Study Abroad Program
Study Abroad Program Name: p USAC p UCLAN p CSUIP p Tokiwa Exchange
p Independent Program (Provide program name and attach related materials) __________________________
City/Country travel to: ___________________________________________________________________________
Go to—Is there a travel warning for the country you would like to visit? p Yes p No
If YES, date of travel warning: ___________________
CSU has an Executive Order (998) that prohibits travel to any country where there is a U.S. State Department Travel Warning.
Estimated Cost: Airfare $ _________ Program Fees $ _________Lodging $ _________ Miscellaneous $ _________
Previously Funded Travel
Have you received Fresno State IRA travel study funds before? p Yes p No
How much were you awarded? $___________________ Which semesters did you go? _______________________
What countries did you visit? ______________________________________________________________________
Applicant Signature: _________________________________________Date: _______________________________
click to sign
click to edit
ESSAY – Statement of Purpose
What is the impact this study abroad program will have on you?
ESSAY – Service Project Proposal
The Service Project Proposal is your chance to explain how you will give back by inspiring others to pursue their own
experiences abroad. To help expand the impact of the Study Abroad & International Exchanges oce as well as Fres-
no State, all travel grant recipients are asked to participate in a service project that helps to promote international
education and study abroad. This project can be done on your home campus or in your local community. Be specic in
your proposal. What will your focused and organized “contribution back” be?
OFFICE USE ONLY p Application complete p Statement of Purpose Essay p Service Project Essay
p Not Eligible – Reason _____________________________________________________________________________
p AWARD APPROVED by _______________________________________ Date ________________________________
Total Amount $__________________ IRA Amount $ ___________________Passport Amount $ __________________
Application Due Dates: FALL – August 15 WINTER – October 1
SPRING – November 1 SUMMER – April 15