Agreement of Services
I, Student ID Number:
acknowledge that I have access to the Student Accessibility Services Handbook. An SAS
Counselor/Advisor discussed with me my accommodations and access needs. Together we
agreed upon appropriate and reasonable accommodations, services and equipment at IRSC to
remove disability related barriers. I have been informed that notices will be emailed to me at my
IRSC Rivermail email account and to my instructors each semester I register for courses
regarding the accommodations I am eligible to receive and the procedures. I understand that it
is my responsibility to discuss the accommodations needed at the beginning of each semester
with my instructors. My responsibility to participate in the discussion of and advocacy for my
accommodations cannot be transferred to another person or abdicated. I understand
accommodations/access services are not retroactive.
I am aware that if there needs to be a change in the accommodations I am receiving, if I have
any concerns relating to the accommodations, if I am not receiving the accommodations or if I
am in need of additional accommodations, it is my responsibility to contact Student Accessibility
Services for assistance. And, if I make a request for additional accommodations, course
substitutions, prep course or TABE waivers, additional documentation or forms may be required.
If the auxiliary learning aid assistance or equipment requested is not available to me from any
state or federal program responsible for such assistance, IRSC will support the access need as
quickly and effectively as possible. If the exact services or equipment are not readily available
through SAS the student and SAS counselor/advisor will collaboratively discuss the access
need and determine a reasonable alternative accommodation. If currently a client of another
agency, I will inform Student Accessibility Services if financial benefits for auxiliary aids are
changed and in any event, I will contact or authorize permission to be referred to another
appropriate agency for possible sponsorship and will inform Student Accessibility Services of
the results of the meeting.
I understand that due to my disability, if I am allowed to record classroom lectures that material
is to be used solely for my personal academic enrichment and cannot be distributed, copied,
sold or uploaded to the web. I also understand that recorded lectures may not be used in any
way against the faculty member, other lecturer, or students whose classroom comments are
recorded as part of the class activity.
I give permission to allow the SAS counselor/advisor to notify my instructors, the Assessment
Center of my accommodations each semester and to discuss my academic progress.
Discussion of disability specific information with appropriate college personnel will only occur
when deemed necessary for safety or with written permission by the student. Furthermore, I
understand that only Assessment Center staff and IRSC instructors are allowed to proctor tests-
not readers, scribes, note-takers, family or friends. I agree to release IRSC, its agents and
employees from any and all liability and hold it and those harmless from any and all claims and
causes of action caused by or arising from the accommodations received.
Student Signature Date
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