Student Writing Assessment (Summary Rubric)
0-15 points:
Exceptionally developed clear,
logical, focused thesis and
content that anticipates and
responds to an academic
audience’s needs and
Clear, logical thinking and a
focused thesis. Does not always
anticipate or respond to the
needs and assumptions of an
academic audience
10-12 pts.:______________
Thesis addresses the issue
and audience, but is too
broad or too narrow.
Provides only general and
limited explanations that
barely meet the needs of an
academic audience
Thesis is ineffective or missing.
Gaps in logical thinking are
noticeable. Logical questions by a
skeptical academic audience are
not addressed.
4-6 pts.:__________________
Does not follow the assignment
instructions and does not
accomplish the purpose of the
assignment. No evidence of critical
0-3 pts.:____________________
0-10 points:
Method of development implied
in topic sentences is clearly and
consistently followed in all
paragraphs. Transitions and
reinforcement of the main idea
add unity and coherence to the
9-10 pts.:________________
Although an occasional topic
sentences is missing or
ineffective, the method of
development implied in the
topic sentences is mostly
followed. Transitions and
reinforcement of the main idea
are mostly followed.
7-8 pts.: ________________
Topic sentences do not
express clear direction.
Transitions and
reinforcement of the main
idea are minimal, forcing the
reader to make some
connections that should be
made by the writer.
5-6 pts.:________________
Topic sentences are sometimes
present, but most are missing or
ineffective. Development is
aimless, transitions mostly
missing, and the main idea is not
reinforced. The academic
audience cannot follow the logical
thread of the argument most of
the time.
3-4 pts.:___________________
Topic sentences missing or methods
of development implied by topic
sentences are not followed.
0-2 pts.:____________________
0-15 points:
Standard grammar and
punctuation are followed.
Frequently uses specific,
concrete words and phrases that
noticeably add believability and
sophistication to the writing.
Formal tone is consistently used.
Standard grammar and
punctuation are mostly
followed. Uses enough specific,
concrete words and phrases
that make the writing
believable. Formal tone is
consistently maintained.
10-12 pts.:______________
Some repeated grammar and
punctuation errors distract
readers. Uses too many
general words and phrases.
Occasionally uses informal
tone not appropriate to an
academic audience.
Many and varied grammar, and
punctuation errors throughout the
paper make the writing difficult to
understand. Many filler words
used that do not add content or
credibility. Mostly informal tone
is not appropriate to an academic
4-6 pts.:__________________
Errors in grammar and punctuation
are so frequent that the reader
cannot follow the logic of most
sentences. General and filler words
make the writer and writing not
credible to an academic audience.
Writing is consistently too informal
for an academic audience.
0-3 pts.:____________________
0-10 points:
Uses ample specific and concrete
facts, examples, and/or
narration. Introduces valid and
believable outside sources, uses
correct in-text citations for
summaries and quotes.
Bibliography, if required, is
9-10 pts.:________________
Uses some concrete facts
and/or narration but credibility
would be improved with more
specific, concrete details and
examples. Missing minor parts
of in-text documentation.
Bibliography, if required, is
mostly correct.
7-8 pts.: ________________
Some general facts, examples,
and/or narration reduce the
credibility to an academic
audience. Does not introduce
outside sources consistently.
Missing or inconsistent use of
in-text documentation.
Bibliography, if required, is
somewhat flawed.
5-6 pts.:________________
Offers little or no concrete facts.
Generalities make the writing not
credible or convincing to an
academic audience. Includes
many, significant errors with
introductions to outside sources,
in-text citations, summaries, and
quotes. Bibliography, if required,
is mangled or incomplete.
3-4 pts.:___________________
Evidence provided does not conform
to the purpose of the paper or the
assignment. Outside sources are not
credible. Bibliography, if required, is
missing. Blatantly plagiarized.
0-2 pts.:____________________
Total: ________