Saint Louis University
School of Education
Updated 2016
Student Teaching Guidelines
I am familiar with the requirements for admission to student teaching as stated during the orientation. To the best of
my knowledge I have fulfilled these requirements. I may request a conference with the Clinical Coordinator of Field
Experiences to discuss my student teaching situation. The School of Education at Saint Louis University will work
with me on any unique circumstances, but will make my placement(s) according to the following guidelines:
I must clear all incomplete grades in education courses prior to student teaching.
student teaching placements are made in accredited Missouri/ Illinois public and private schools,
programs, and agencies within approximately one hour’s driving distance from campus. Other local and
non-local placement sites may be assigned in accordance with individual program and/or student needs.
All placements are based on availability and efficiency of appropriate supervision.
I may not request positions in specific school divisions, at specific schools, or with specific
Under no circumstances will I try to secure my own placement(s).
I authorize the School of Education at Saint Louis University to secure and send a copy of my Saint Louis
University transcript to a school division as part of my student teaching application. I will supply a copy of
my transcript if I completed my undergraduate coursework at an institution other than Saint Louis
All school divisions have a different TB test policy or require an additional application form, a personal
interview, or a background or security check. The School of Education at Saint Louis University can
provide information about specific school division policies, but I am responsible for completing these extra
My student teaching placement(s) will not be requested or will be withdrawn if I do not meet all deadlines
and criteria. If I wish to student teach in a subsequent semester, I must notify the Clinical Coordinator
( in writing; my application will not be automatically reactivated.
The Clinical Coordinator will make every effort to secure my placement(s) on a timely basis; however, the
Clinical Coordinator cannot always predict when those placements will be confirmed. I will be notified as
soon as information about my placement is available.
I understand that my preference for placement may not be possible, and I agree to accept the student
teaching position(s) assigned to me by the School of Education at Saint Louis University.
Saint Louis University
School of Education
Updated 2016
I am responsible for my own housing and transportation.
Student teaching is considered a full-time responsibility that may involve before school, after school,
or weekend activities. I understand that I will be expected to plan for, and participate in, all of the
professional tasks and activities engaged in by my cooperating teacher(s). I understand that my
participation in other work or extracurricular activities may not interfere with, or detract from, my
student teaching performance.
I am familiar with the absenteeism policy during student teaching.
Policy: Teacher candidates should not be absent (other than illness) unless given permission by the
cooperating educator and
the university supervisor. The teacher candidate is responsible for
notifying both the cooperating educator and the university supervisor in case of absence. If a teacher
candidate misses more than two days due to illness, the teacher candidate will be required to “make up”
the days at the end of the semester.
I understand that during student teaching I will follow the schedule/calendar of the school division to which
I am assigned, not the Saint Louis University schedule/calendar
. (This includes any breaks and/or makeup
days scheduled by the school division.)
I understand attendance is required for all Monday night scheduled classes (A calendar will be provided at
the Teacher Candidate Meeting the first day of the semester). Even if, your school/school district has a
scheduled “day off” you must attend classes on campus. Class attendance and participation is expected!
I am familiar with the guidelines in determining ineligible placement options. Policy: In the interest of
fairness and objectivity, the teacher candidate will not be placed in a school (1) previously attended; (2)
where relatives work; or (3) where a teacher candidate’s children or other relatives attend.
Listed below are the schools I am ineligible to be placed during my student teaching experience. Falsifying
information may result in a change of placement or removal from student teaching.
Printed Name
Saint Louis University
School of Education
Updated 2016