Student Services Plan
DR 205 (REV 08/19) Page 3 of 3
5. Pre-Employment Transition Services
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) emphasizes the provision of
services to students and youth with disabilities to ensure that they have meaningful
opportunities to receive the services, including training and other supports, they need
to achieve employment outcomes in competitive integrated employment (81 Fed. Reg.
55630, 55631). In support of this, it requires vocational rehabilitation agencies to
provide pre-employment transition services and to serve potentially eligible students.
The Student Services Plan consists of pre-employment transition services provided to
potentially eligible students, consistent with 34 CFR 361.48(a) and the VR Portion of
the Unified State Plan. Pre-employment transition services are designed to promote
the successful transition of students from school to post-school activities, resulting in
competitive integrated employment, economic self-sufficiency, and independence.
These services assist students to explore and prepare for employment through
experiences and foundational skills development that increase the likelihood of
employment and substantial gainful activity.
The Student Services Plan is part of a continuum of DOR services and is available to
potentially eligible students, who are defined as students with disabilities, ages 16
through 21, who have not yet applied or been found eligible for the vocational
rehabilitation program.