Date Revised 07.14.20
Student School Permission Form 2020-2021
One Form Per Student
Student Information
Student Name: ______________________________________
School Student Handbook Agreement
Student Handbook 2020-2021
As a student or parent/guardian of a student attending the Lee County School district, I acknowledge that by signing this
document I understand that I have access to the Lee County Student Handbook online at
(Campus Life- Handbook Policies link from District Website)
and I am aware of my responsibility to read its contents. Further, I understand it is my responsibility to gain a working
knowledge of the policies outlined in this handbook and share this information with my child/children. I am also aware of
my right to question the school principal or the designated school staff members concerning any policy within this
handbook that I do not understand.
**** Hard copies of this document are available upon request.
Initial Here
Parent Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________
Student Signatures: _________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________
PRINTED NAME OF PARENT COMPLETING THIS FORM: ___________________________________________________
If you would like a hard copy of the Code of Conduct and District Handbook sent home with your child, please initial here: _______