I am immediately withdrawing from my program and will not be completing my current term of study. I
understand by doing so I will be withdrawing from all registered courses for this term, and that in order to
be re-admitted to the College, I will need to re-apply.
Date the form is submitted or received by the Oce of the Registrar): ______________
nature: ___________________________________________________
Please indicate one of the following reasons for your withdrawal. Please note that this information is only
required for statistical and reporting purposes.
Student Name: _______________________________________________________Student ID Number: __________________
Current Program of Study:
If you choose other please specifiy:___________________________________________________________________________
Medical reasons
Family reasons
Secured employment
Unsuitable program
Changed career goals
Transfer to another institution
Not satisfied with classes or instruction
Program too dicult
Consent Regarding My Personal Information
The personal information collected on this form or in conjunction with this form is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta) and the Post-secondary Learning Act (Alberta). This personal information is required to administer my
enrolment in courses at Bow Valley College (the “College”). For more information regarding the collection or use of your personal information,
contact the Oce of the Registrar at 345-6th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2G 4V1. Phone 403-410-1400 or toll-free in Alberta 1-866-428-2669. I
hereby consent to the collection and disclosure of my personal information as described above.
Date: __________________________
Please submit electronically to records@bowvalleycollege.ca or in Person to the Office of the Registrar
Student Program Withdrawal Form
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
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* Please note that certain programs have completion standards outside of the 3 and 5 year limits.
Check with an Academic Advisor if you are unsure.
Program Withdrawal: Important Notes