Valid For: Fall / Spring ________ Date:________________
Student Personal info
Name:_______________________________ ID Number: _______________
Gender: Male /  Female Other
Classification:  Freshman  Sophomore Junior  Senior Graduate
Phone Number: (____)_________________________
University Email: _____________________________________________________
Off-Campus Address: _____________________________________________________
Emergency Contact (Parent/ Guardian)
Name: _________________________________ Relationship: ______________
Phone Number: (_____)______________________
No Exceptions
Students not meeting one of the 8 criteria MUST seek authorization from the Dean of
Students or Lead Resident Director
Exemption Codes: Code______________
1. Married Student
2. Senior Status (91+ Credit hours)
3. Age (21+)
4. Medical Reasons (Documentation
5. Single Parent w/ Custody
6. Parent Authorization
7. International Student
8. Local Commuter (Living w/ Parents
or legal guardian in nearby
communities: Xenia,
Wilberforce,Fairborn, Yellow
Springs, Dayton, Cedarville
Off Campus Housing & Meal Exemption
Student Signature:_______________________________
Off Campus Housing & Meal Exemption
I understand that with the Meal and Housing Exemption, I will not be able to enter the cafeteria
without paying for meals. I will not utilize another student's meal validation or attempt to reside in
any residence hall / lounge overnight.
I agree and understand that if I am found in violation of this Meal and Housing Contract, it will
constitute cancellation of the Meal and Housing Exemption and Funding will be added back to my
Approved ________ Denied _________
click to sign
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