Adapted from The way to work: How to facilitate work experiences for youth in transition. (Luecking, 2009). Page 3
Student Profile Explanations and Possible Interview Questions
Dreams and goals – What are their aspirations? Try to find a connection between their aspirations and some type
of work experience. Remember, it’s about helping the student to make an informed decision (not professionals
deciding for them).
Talents, skills and knowledge – natural gifts, things they have a knack for, past formal or informal assessments,
what do people compliment them about? Think about academic, money skills, time, artistic, manual, physical and
social skills.
Learning Styles – what instruction will yield the best learning for the student? How does the student best learn a
new task? What works for this student?
Interests – Think about hobbies, leisure, or what type of experiences may need to occur to determine some
interests for the students. How can you encourage the student and/or family to take some “risks” to try new things
or try things that may be beyond the limitations to expand skills and interests. Values – this is important when
determining the type of work and the type of company they will want to work for. Remember the family and cultural
Positive personality Traits – How do people describe the student? Friendly, focused, detail-oriented, honest, nice
smile, sense of humor, lots of energy. Stay positive!
Environmental Preferences –Does the student prefer and work best under specific conditions such as routine or
varied tasks? Fast-paced environments where things change rapidly? Indoors or outdoors? Quiet setting or can
handle distractions? People present for support or supervision? Relaxed or flexible environment or very strict rules?
Dislikes – Question for the student would be “what is the job or setting that you don’t want to do?” Think about
things that don’t work for this student such as getting dirty, loud noises, sitting for long periods of time, people
talking loudly, etc. What does not work for this student? Are there situations that should be avoided? Are there
particular activities the student doesn’t like to do?
Life and work experiences – for students with little or no work experiences, are there some life experiences that
could be translated into useful skills in the workplace such as household chores, babysitting, volunteers at church?
For students who have had some work experiences, list the setting and type of work such as school job – delivering
mail; office setting – data entry. How is the student getting around in the community now?
Support system – people around the student who can provide support, encouragement, and/or resources for
planning, developing and supporting the work experience. Think about people who can help make employer
connections for the student. This should include both family/friends and paid professionals.
Specific challenges – such as low reading/math ability, grooming/hygiene, behavioral, assistive technology, social
skills (appropriate conversations), transportation, home environments, substance abuse, etc.
Support needs and accommodations – this would be the solutions to the specific challenges or barriers, such as
picture prompts for predictability, coworker serving as a mentor, neighbor providing transportation, etc. What are
the accommodations that are being provided in school now that can be used on the work site?
Possibilities and ideas – this is the time to brainstorm potential sites and specific type of work. The goal is to build
upon the experiences and what is learned about the student from each of the experiences that will help lead to a
paid job at graduation.