Organization Officers
President: ____________________________________
Email/Phone: _________________________________
Vice-President: ________________________________
Email/Phone: _________________________________
Treasurer: ____________________________________
Email/Phone: _________________________________
Secretary: ____________________________________
Email/Phone: _________________________________
Does your organization collect dues? Yes: _____ No: _____
To the best of my knowledge and my fellow officer's knowledge, all of the following statements
are correct: Our most current constitution, by-laws, and those of any regional or national
organization(s) are on file in the Student Engagement Office. Our members are part-time or
full-time LaGrange College Students. To the best of my knowledge, the organization's
purposes and its activities are not in conflict with LaGrange College purposes, regulations and
policies, or with State and/or Federal laws and regulations. With this signature, I hereby give
permission for the above information to be made public upon request and give permission for
Student Involvement to verify my enrollment.
Signature (Organization President): ___________________________________________
LC# _____________________ Date _____/_____/_______
Signature (Faculty/Staff Advisor): ____________________________________________
Date ____/_____/_______
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click to sign
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