Tuition Deferment Request for Eligible
Texas Veterans and Their Families
Pursuant to Tex. Ed. Code §56.0065 (H.B. 846, 85th(R), effective Sept. 1, 2017)
Eff. Sept. 2017
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Phone: 1-877-898-3833 or 512/463-3168 | TTY/TDD: Dial 711 | Fax: 512/463-3932 | E-Mail: | Web:
An Equal Opportunity Employer
*Submit to the institution of higher education you are attending, not the Texas Veterans Commission*
In requesting a deferment of payment of tuition and fees, my initials preceding the statements below
certify my understanding of each item.
I have verified my remaining entitlement of one or more of the veterans’ benefits or assistance
programs checked on Page 1. I believe my eligibility and anticipated funding to be sufficient to
cover the tuition and fees for this term;
I understand that this deferment does not pay my tuition and fees, but it allows me an extension of
time up to 60 days from the first day of the semester or term to pay tuition and fees in full;
I have formally requested an enrollment certification through my IHE VA Certifying Office and/or
other applicable office for processing tuition exemptions and waivers and expect to receive the
applicable benefit for the current term;
I understand that if I do not receive the education benefit checked above that I am still required to
pay all tuition and fees to the IHE I am attending and withdrawal after the first day of classes does
not eliminate this obligation;
I understand that the tuition and fees being deferred are subject to my IHE’s late and refund
policies if not received by the 60th day from the first day of the semester or term;
I understand that all academic records and enrollment registration may be held if all financial
obligations to the college are not settled in a timely manner;
I understand that my tuition and fees must be paid in full no later than 60 days from the first day of
class of the semester or term before I will be allowed to register for classes for subsequent terms;
I understand that my eligibility for tuition and fee deferments under Tex. Ed. Code §56.0065 may
terminate if I do not follow applicable rules and regulations or otherwise fail to act in good faith
and to the best of my ability with timely and reasonable payment(s) of tuition and fees.
I certify t
hat all of the above information on all pages is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature _________________________________ Date
Received by: __________________________________________________ ___ Date _______________________
*Submit to the institution of higher education you are attending, not the Texas Veterans Commission*
Alamo Colleges District Students:
Using Veterans Education Benefits: Submit to your HOME College Veterans Affairs Office.
Using Military Tuition Assistance (TA) or Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Benefits: Submit to Mili
tary Support Services by email to:
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