ACCT 560
Writing Requirement
Objectives for the student:
1. To reflect on connections between your SBS education and your practicum experience.
2. To demonstrate an ability to effectively communicate in the work place.
3. To enhance awareness of professional etiquette.
In addition to helping you to develop your technical accounting skills, the faculty of the accounting department
have designed your program of study to also help you to develop your skills in the areas of:
• ethical conduct,
• written communication,
• oral communication,
• critical and analytical thinking,
• global awareness,
• Microsoft Excel proficiency, and
• data analytics
Write a letter to your practicum supervisor that includes all of the items listed below. The letter should be
submitted to using Microsoft Word, use proper business letter formatting, and use
appropriate grammar, spelling, and syntax. The letter should not list ‘responses’ to each of the items one by one,
but should have the comfortable flow of a business letter that includes the elements listed, in your own words.
Upon satisfactory completion of this assignment it is expected that you will submit a signed copy of your letter
and a properly addressed envelope to the Department so that the letter can be mailed to your supervisor.
Your letter should accomplish the following:
• Demonstrate your understanding of the company’s industry, and any unique aspects of their business in
• Summarize your duties and responsibilities, and how each duty/responsibility connected to your
coursework at SBS. When appropriate, identify specific courses by name, as well as concepts,
assignments, and other course activities that informed the duty/responsibility. Please keep in mind the
various objectives of the SBS undergraduate accounting program listed above in addition to your
technical training.
• Identify one particular duty or responsibility that was challenging for you. Discuss why you found it
challenging, and mention specific actions you plan to take to improve your ability to complete this
duty/responsibility in the future.
• Thank your supervisor for his/her guidance during your practicum.
• Highlight at least one way in which your supervisor helped you or was proactive in a way that enhanced
your experience.
• Discuss how and why this experience has reinforced, or altered, your career plans.
**All letters must meet professional writing standards and should be reviewed by a writing tutor at CLAS before
submission. Students will be referred to CLAS if a letter is submitted that does not meet these standards **