Sandhills Community College
Student Grievance Form
Date received by Student Grievance
Committee or Senior Vice President
Grievance is defined as any matter of student concern or dissatisfaction within the control of the
college, except for the following: grades, attendance policies and matters of a purely academic
nature, matters involving allegations of sexual harassment, residency classification, and financial aid.
It is assumed that students will make every effort to resolve a presumed grievance via conversation
with the person or persons involved prior to setting in motion the grievance procedures. The college
encourages students who have problems to talk out these differences and make every effort to come
to a mutually satisfactory understanding before involving the wider college community in the
grievance process. Counselors will make every effort to assist with such attempts.
PART I: Student Information
[This form must be drafted and completed by the student, and information must be either typed or printed.]
Name: __________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________
number where you may be reached)
E-mail address: ___________________________________ Major: ____________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________ City: ____________________ Zip: ____________
Date of event or condition: _______________ Date discussed with Counselor: ___________________
(if applicable)
PART II: Formal Grievance to Student Grievance Committee (or senior vice
president if continuing education student).
[This form must be drafted and completed by the student, and information must be either typed or printed.
Student should keep one copy and give one to the chair of the Student Grievance Committee, or in the case
of continuing education issues, the senior vice president, within three (3) business days of the student’s
receipt of notice of the decision by the vice president of student services and academic support, dean of
instruction, dean of continuing education, or SCC Hoke Center Director.]
Specific statement of grievance.
Incidents and/or facts supporting claim of grievance. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
Requested solution or remedy.
Particular area of disagreement with decision of the vice president of student services and academic
support, dean of instruction, dean of continuing education, or SCC Hoke Center Director.
Student’s signature _____________________________________ Date ________________________
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Sandhills Community College
Student Grievance Form (pg. 2)
Date received by president
Part III: Formal Grievance to the President (only for curriculum students)
[This form must be drafted and completed by the student, and information must be either typed or printed.
Student should keep one copy and give one copy to the president of the college within three (3) business
days of the student’s receipt of notice of the decision by the Student Grievance Committee.]
Specific statement of grievance.
Incidents and/or facts supporting claim of grievance. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
Requested solution or remedy.
Particular area of disagreement with decision of the vice president of students services and academic
support, dean of instruction, dean of continuing education, or the SCC Hoke Center Director.
Student’s signature _____________________________________ Date ________________________
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Sandhills Community College
Student Grievance Form (pg. 3)
Date received by chair of Hearing Committee
Part IV: Request for Hearing (only curriculum students)
[This form must be drafted and completed by the student, and the information should be either typed or
printed. Student should complete this form and deliver it to the executive assistant to the president
(assistant secretary to the Board of Trustees) within five (5) business days of the president’s decision.]
Date of receipt of president’s decision. __________________________
[Please attach a copy of that decision.]
I hereby request a hearing before the Hearing Committee pursuant to the Student Appeal Procedure. I
understand that this hearing will be closed and that only those persons may attend who are authorized in the
Student Appeal Procedure or are otherwise permitted by the Committee. I understand that I may be asked
to release confidential matters concerning my college records for discussion during the hearing and hereby
consent to all of such records being made available to those persons involved in the hearing. I further
understand that if I intend to have counsel present, I must notify the college of this intent at least two (2)
business days before the hearing.
Specific statement of grievance.
Incidents and/or facts supporting claim of grievance. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
Requested solution or remedy.
Particular area of disagreement with the decision of the president.
I understand that the assistant to the president will be responsible for scheduling any college officials
or employees who are on duty to attend the hearing.
Student’s signature _____________________________________ Date ________________________
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