Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________
Student Exploration: Element Builder
Vocabulary: atom, atomic number, electron, electron dot diagram, element, energy level, ion,
isotope, mass number, neutron, nucleus, periodic table, proton, radioactive, valence electrons
Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.)
1. What are some of the different substances that make up a pizza? _____________________
2. What substances make up water? _____________________________________________
3. What substances make up an iron pot? _________________________________________
Elements are pure substances that are made up of one kind of atom. Pizza is not an element
because it is a mixture of many substances. Water is a pure substance, but it contains two kinds
of atom: oxygen and hydrogen. Iron is an element because it is composed of one kind of atom.
Gizmo Warm-up
Atoms are tiny particles of matter that are made up of
three particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. The
Element Builder Gizmo™ shows an atom with a single
proton. The proton is located in the center of the atom,
called the nucleus.
1. Use the arrow buttons ( ) to add protons, neutrons,
and electrons to the atom. Press Play ( ).
A. Which particles are located in the nucleus?
B. Which particles orbit around the nucleus?
2. Turn on Show element name. What causes the element name to change? _____________
Adding or subtracting protons and neutrons.