2. L
istening for Understanding Skill*
Ability to identify clearly stated main
ideas or details (e.g.; time and
location of a meeting) and follow
simple instructions
Ability to answer questions about or
take action on directly stated main
points and details; follow
straightforward instructions with
several steps; determine the
meaning of one or two words based
on explanations in the spoken
information; recognize basic
sequence and time relationships
from time-related words (e.g.
during, between) that are directly
Ability to identify clearly stated main
points/details with unclear context
or unusual information; follow
complex multi-step instructions that
may contain conditions; identify
changes in meaning when familiar
words are used in a new context;
determine the meaning of words
based on context; determine
sequence and time relationships
from words when the meaning is not
obvious (e.g. yet, once); make simple
guesses from the context
Ability to identify main points that
are not clearly stated and may be
hard to find; noticing whether the
speaker approves/disapproves;
follow indirect instructions;
determine the meanings of new
words through context; make
guesses about information that may
be abstract; understand cause and
effect from context; understand
sequence and time relationships
when planning or scheduling
1 2 3 4 0
*The use of the word ‘condition’ in several skills refers to if/then situations where the appropriate follow-up action is dependent upon what happened previously and may be different in different
3. Observation Skill
Ability to pay attention to basic parts
of a straightforward procedure that
is done at a slow pace; remember a
few strongly prompted details;
remember instructions and
reminders that give strong cues;
remain focused on the important
parts of a procedure shown without
irrelevant information; notice clear
differences in procedures
Ability to select and pay attention to
parts of a straightforward procedure
with details that are hard to notice;
pay attention to details shown at a
moderate pace; remember a few
important details that are
reinforced; remain focused on the
important details when there is
extra information; notice less
obvious differences
Ability to focus attention on and
remember several important details
from a procedure that includes
several tasks that may occur at the
same time and at a moderate pace;
maintain attention to details with
little prompting; remember several
important details about unfamiliar
material; ignore irrelevant
information; recognize several
differences presented at the same
time; examine a subtle difference
and decide whether it is acceptable
Ability to focus attention on and
remember several steps from a
complicated procedure that includes
unusual elements and is presented
at a quick pace; remember several
steps not discussed directly or
explained; visualize how a step fits
into a procedure; ignore irrelevant
information; interpret conditional
relationships that affect tasks; make
predictions, judgements, or
comparisons; examine a small detail
to determine if it is significant