Student Employment Performance Assessment Student Self-
For use in assessing student performance
Adapted from ACT’s WorkKeys Assessments
Student Name: __________________________________________________________ Date Completed:__________________________
Supervisor Name:_________________________________________________________
1. Workp
lace Observation Skill*
Ability to repeat a short,
straightforward process, pattern or
demonstration; recognize an
incorrect step; identify the next step
in a series
Ability to recognize cause and effect
in straightforward process, pattern,
or demonstration; identify the cause
of a result; filter out obvious
distractions; recognize what to do
next given a single condition;
indicate next action when an
incorrect step is identified
Ability to identify correct course of
action given more than one
condition; distinguish similar but
different steps; maintain attention
to detail with little prompting;
recognize when steps can be
combined & when they cannot;
identify details that are not clear;
select and put steps into the correct
order in a complex process; apply
information to a similar situation
Ability to make guesses from
situational cues in a complex
process; figure out process steps
that are missing; apply complicated
instructions to new situations;
decide which conditions apply to a
new situation; determine a general
underlying principle; determine next
steps; break down a process and
apply results to an unfamiliar
process; use situational cues to
determine steps to be taken
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2. L
istening for Understanding Skill*
Ability to identify clearly stated main
ideas or details (e.g.; time and
location of a meeting) and follow
simple instructions
Ability to answer questions about or
take action on directly stated main
points and details; follow
straightforward instructions with
several steps; determine the
meaning of one or two words based
on explanations in the spoken
information; recognize basic
sequence and time relationships
from time-related words (e.g.
during, between) that are directly
Ability to identify clearly stated main
points/details with unclear context
or unusual information; follow
complex multi-step instructions that
may contain conditions; identify
changes in meaning when familiar
words are used in a new context;
determine the meaning of words
based on context; determine
sequence and time relationships
from words when the meaning is not
obvious (e.g. yet, once); make simple
guesses from the context
Ability to identify main points that
are not clearly stated and may be
hard to find; noticing whether the
speaker approves/disapproves;
follow indirect instructions;
determine the meanings of new
words through context; make
guesses about information that may
be abstract; understand cause and
effect from context; understand
sequence and time relationships
when planning or scheduling
1 2 3 4 0
*The use of the word ‘condition’ in several skills refers to if/then situations where the appropriate follow-up action is dependent upon what happened previously and may be different in different
3. Observation Skill
Ability to pay attention to basic parts
of a straightforward procedure that
is done at a slow pace; remember a
few strongly prompted details;
remember instructions and
reminders that give strong cues;
remain focused on the important
parts of a procedure shown without
irrelevant information; notice clear
differences in procedures
Ability to select and pay attention to
parts of a straightforward procedure
with details that are hard to notice;
pay attention to details shown at a
moderate pace; remember a few
important details that are
reinforced; remain focused on the
important details when there is
extra information; notice less
obvious differences
Ability to focus attention on and
remember several important details
from a procedure that includes
several tasks that may occur at the
same time and at a moderate pace;
maintain attention to details with
little prompting; remember several
important details about unfamiliar
material; ignore irrelevant
information; recognize several
differences presented at the same
time; examine a subtle difference
and decide whether it is acceptable
Ability to focus attention on and
remember several steps from a
complicated procedure that includes
unusual elements and is presented
at a quick pace; remember several
steps not discussed directly or
explained; visualize how a step fits
into a procedure; ignore irrelevant
information; interpret conditional
relationships that affect tasks; make
predictions, judgements, or
comparisons; examine a small detail
to determine if it is significant
4. Re
ading for Information Skill*
Ability to pick out main ideas and
clearly stated details; choose the
correct meaning of a word when the
word is clearly defined in the
reading; choose the correct meaning
of everyday and workplace words;
choose when to perform each step
in a short series of steps; apply
instructions to a situation that is the
same as the one read about
Ability to identify important details
that may not be clearly stated; use
reading material to figure out the
meaning of words that are not
defined; apply instructions with
several steps to a situation that is
the same as in the reading; choose
what to do when changing
conditions call for a different action
Ability to figure out the correct
meaning of a word based on how it
is used; identify the correct meaning
of an acronym or jargon defined in a
document; apply technical terms and
jargon to known situations; apply
simple instructions to a new
situation similar another described;
apply complex instructions that
include conditions to situations
described in the material
Ability to identify implied details; use
technical jargon in new situations;
figure out the less common meaning
of a word based on the context;
apply complicated instructions to
new situations; figure out the
principles behind policies and
procedures; apply general principles
from the materials to similar or new
situations; explain the reason for a
procedure, policy, or communication
5. T
eamwork Skill
Ability to recognize clear team
goals; show acceptance of team
goals by working cooperatively;
identify recognizable problems and
their causes; persist in solving
problems; show membership by
supporting and seeking the input of
others; demonstrate a positive work
attitude; respond appropriately to
praise and give positive feedback;
display trust in team members; be
dependable in completing tasks
Ability to organize & schedule tasks;
offer possible solutions to problems;
show commitment to quality;
effectively interpret verbal and
nonverbal communication; take
direction from team members and
respond to feedback in a way that
furthers team relations and
accomplishes tasks; show respect
for team members; show an
appreciation for diversity among
team members
Ability to demonstrate good
decision making and analyzing skills
that indicate an ongoing process of
identifying problems & proposing
alternatives; show leadership by
giving or taking direction as the
situation requires; empower others
by holding each other responsible
for accomplishing the goal; show
initiative by doing what is required
and showing willingness to try new
tasks; be properly assertive
Ability to identify and organize the
parts of a problem; create and revise
team goals depending on priorities;
coordinate multiple parts of a task to
help the team meet its goals; be
flexible in their role on the team;
resolve issues among team members
using supportive behavior and
language and providing negative
feedback in a constructive manner;
build team unity
6. B
usiness Writing Skill
Produces writing that consists of
incomplete sentences most of the
time; includes a large number of
grammatical, mechanical, and word
usage errors that interfere with
communication; has rude or overly
casual language; tone and style; has
no organization; attempts to
communicate their ideas but
provides little or no development or
Produces writing with some
complete sentences although some
may be simple or repetitive; has
enough correct mechanics, word
usage, and grammar to convey the
idea but errors interfere with
comprehension; has rude or over
casual language, tone, and style; has
some organization but the focus is
unclear and has few or no
transitions; has ideas that are
generally understandable; but not
Produces writing with mostly
complete sentences, variety and
complexity are attempted; few
mechanical, grammatical, and word
usage errors; may be repetitive;
generally correct spelling; tone and
style are generally consistent with
standard business English; writing
may be casual but is not rude;
exhibits some organization, may lose
focus, transitions are simple; has
adequate development of ideas but
they may be limited in depth and
thoroughness; support is general
and relevant but repetitive
Produces writing with all complete
sentences that are generally varied
in length and complexity; very few
mechanical, grammatical, and/or
word usage errors that do not
interfere with communication, style,
tone, and language is consistent with
standard business English; organized
and maintains consistent focus;
transitions are effective; most ideas
are developed with supporting
examples and details
7. Lo
cating Information Skill
Ability to find one or two pieces of
information in a graphic; and fill in
one or two pieces of information
that are missing from a graphic
Ability to find several pieces of
information in a graphic; understand
how graphics are related to each
other; summarize information from
one or more straightforward
graphics; identify trends shown in
one or more straightforward
graphics; and compare information
and trends shown in one or more
straightforward graphics
Ability to sort through distracting
information; summarize information
from one or more detailed graphics;
identify trends shown in one or
more detailed or complicated
graphics; and compare information
and trends from one or more
complicated graphics
Ability to draw conclusions based on
one complicated graphic or several
related graphics; apply information
from one or more complicated
graphics to specific situations; and
use the information to make
8. A
pplied Mathematics Skill
Ability to solve problems that
require a single type of
mathematical operation; change
numbers from one form to another
(e.g. converting a fraction to
decimal); and convert simple money
and time units
Ability to solve problems that
require one or two operations;
figure out averages, simple
proportions, or rates using whole
numbers and decimals; add
commonly known fractions,
decimals, or percentages; add three
fractions that share a common
denominator; multiply mixed
numbers (such as 12 ) by a whole
number or decimal; put the
information in the right order before
performing calculations
Ability to decide what information,
calculations, or unit conversions to
use to solve a problem; look up a
formula and change from one unit to
another in a single step within the
same or another system of
measurement; calculate using mixed
units; divide negative numbers;
identify the best deal by doing one
and two step calculations and
comparing the results; calculate
perimeters and areas of basic
shapes; calculate percent discounts
or markups
Ability to use fractions with unlike
denominators; rearrange a formula;
look up and use a formula to change
from one unit to another in the same
or another system of measurement;
find mistakes in easy problems; find
the best deal and use the results for
another calculation; find the area of
basic shapes when it may be
necessary to rearrange the formula
or convert units of measurement;
find the volume of rectangular
solids; and calculate multiple rates