Student Documentation Request
Spartanburg Community College provides reasonable accommodations to qualified
individuals who have, have a history of, or are regarded as having a disability.
Spartanburg Community College may ask you to provide appropriate documentation to
support your request. All accommodations at Spartanburg Community College are
authorized by the office of Student Disability Services, as no other office on campus is
authorized to establish accommodations. If you have questions please call SDS at
864-592-4818 or email SDS at disabilityservices@sccsc.edu
Student Disability Services will only discuss your academic accommodations with faculty
and staff of Spartanburg Community College who have a legitimate academic interest, as
defined by the Family Educational Privacy Rights Act (FERPA). Medical documentation
will be kept strictly confidential and will only be viewed by employees of Student
Disability Services, administrators of Spartanburg Community College, and regulatory
agencies in the course of legitimate inquires. Spartanburg Community College does not
collect genetic information about students.
I hereby certify that I am requesting a copy of my official documentation which I
provided to the office of Student Disability Services at the time I registered with this office
for purposes of requesting accommodations. I understand that I am under no obligation
to share my documentation with any office other than the office of SDS. I understand
that according to the Americans with Disabilities Act appropriate documentation may
include a letter from a qualified professional or evidence of a prior diagnosis,
accommodation, or classification, such as eligibility for a special education program. I
understand that documentation of my disability should only be requested as support for
my request of academic and support services accommodations.
Reason for request:_____________________________________________________________
Name (print): ____________________________________________ SCC ID#:_____________
Student Consent:____________________________________________