Updated 17 July 2017
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
Student Declaration Form
In addition to University policies and procedures there are School guidelines and other important
information School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine students should be familiar with.
It is each student’s responsibility to inform themselves of, and comply with the guidelines, policies and
procedures listed below. Links to the following are located on the Schools website at
School Guidelines:
Confidentiality of Client Information in Clinical Practice
Preparation for and Completion of Clinical Practice; Clinical Time Missed and Exclusion to
Clinical Practice; Clinical Learning Contracts
Student Dress Standard Requirement (Clinical Experience & Laboratory Attendance)
Student Code of Conduct (Clinical Skills and Clinical Simulation Laboratories)
Basic Life Support
Manual Handling
University Policies and Procedures:
Fieldwork Policy
Fieldwork Procedures
Conscientious Objection Policy and Procedures
Fieldwork Manual
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registration
Health and Wellbeing Counselling Services
Health and Wellbeing Emergencies
Incident and Hazard Reporting
Students new to the School are asked to sign the statement below.
I have read and understood the information, guidelines, policies and procedures listed within and that
apply to me as a student in the School.
Student name:
Student ID:
Submit the signed form with the Clinical Office via email: clinical.nursingmidwifery@curtin.edu.au