The following are the requirements to participate in the Opportunity Grant (OG) Program:
• Notify the OG oce as soon as you have completed your class registration and prior to any schedule change, including adding
or dropping a class
• Attend class(es) regularly and keep up with class assignments
• Make sure the OG oce has a workable email address that you will check frequently
• Inform the OG program of any changes in your address or phone number
• Inform the OG program of any academic or personal issues that conflict with your education
• Check-in with the OG oce once a month in person, by email or by phone
• Seek and accept employment upon completion of your certificate/degree
• Maintain satisfactory academic progress of 2.0 CUM GPA each quarter with completion of 50% of attempted credits
I understand the program expectations and my responsibilities as a recipient of the Opportunity Grant program.
Enter or sign your name below if you have read and understand the statement above:
Student Signature:
Reviewed By (int): Date:
Training Program: Prerequisites Certificate AAS BAS
Courses enrolled are required for training program Full-time (12+) 3/4 time (9-11) Part-time (6-8) >Half-time (1-5)
Student Transcript (SM5003) (Transcript on Advisor Dashboard): Number of QTRs at CBC Last QTR attended
No prior completions Prior Certificate/Degree Year
# Of Cr attempted CUM Cr Earn GPA CLVL Cr Earn GPA Pace of progress: %
Credits from another college Prior Certificate/Degree Year
FAFSA/WASFA Date: Academic Year: EFC: $ Total Unmet Need: $
SAP: Good Academic Progress On FA Warning FA Canceled: Needs credits to become FA eligible
Coding Check: Verify contact information and coding is correctly entered in HP-UNIX SMS screens
Admissions (SM2001): Current Name Current Address Current Phone(s) Adv Id Stu Typ
Registration/Admissions (SM4002): Work Attend Code (WRT=80s WF=60s or 70s WRT/WF co-enroll=50s)
Registration (SM7001) (Schedule on Advisor Dashboard): Res Fee Int Prg Purp Typ Adv
Student Unusual Action (SM5003): “B!” for BFET “OG” for OG “W!” for WRT (Stop Gap only)
Any other actions blocking registration?
Based on application information, this student could be eligible for:
BFET Opportunity Grant Worker Retraining WorkFirst (Share a copy of this application with each potential program)
Columbia Basin College complies with the spirit and letter of state and federal laws, regulations and executive orders pertaining to civil rights, Title IX, equal opportunity and afrmative action. CBC does not discriminate on the ba-
sis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, parental status or families with children, marital status, sex (gender), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, genetic information, honorably discharged veteran or mili-
tary status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal (allowed by law) by a person with a disability, or any other prohibited basis in its educational programs or employment. Ques-
tions or complaints may be referred to the Vice President for Human Resources & Legal Affairs and CBC’s Title IX/EEO Coordinator at (509) 542-5548. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all college sponsored events and
programs. If you have a disability, and require an accommodation, please contact the CBC Resource Center at (509) 542-4412 or the Washington Relay Service at 711 or 1-800-833-6384. This notice is available in alternative media by request.
You have completed the application for eligibility and services for the Workforce Education Center programs:
Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET), Opportunity Grant (OG), Worker Retraining (WRT), and WorkFirst (WF)
Please return your completed application to the Workforce Education Center at Columbia Basin College:
2600 N. 20th Ave. MS-H2, Pasco, WA 99301
H Building (HUB) Room 208 (Across from the CBC Bookstore)
Phone: (509) 542-4719