Please send electronically to the Graduate School at
Copy: Graduate Program Director
General Grad Form: G5
(Rev. 08/2019)
Student’s Name: ________________________________________ UIN#: ______________________________
College: ____________________________________ Degree and Program: _____________________________
Graduate Status:
Degree Seeking
Non-Degree Seeking
The University Reinstatement Policy for Suspended Graduate Students provides mechanisms for obtaining reinstatement if
certain conditions are met. Student should complete this Appeal Request Form after written reinstatement request has been
submitted to the Graduate Program Director and formal notification has been received that the request for reinstatement
was denied.
1. Please provide justification for appealing the denial of your reinstatement from suspension.
(Additional pages may be attached if necessary.)
2. When submitting this Appeal Request Form, make sure to include the following attachments:
Original Request for Reinstatement letter submitted to your Graduate Program Director
Supporting Documentation for your request
PLEASE NOTE: All documents regarding your appeal should be submitted at the same time. Documents presented after the
initial package is received will not be considered.
By signing below, I acknowledge that the decision rendered by the Graduate Appeals Committee is final.
Signed: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________________
(Students Signature)
Student Appeal
Request Form
(Used to Appeal Department
Reinstatement Decision)
click to sign
click to edit