2012-14 Biennium Period Report
Unit Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Unit Manager: _____________________________________ Date Compiled: _______________
PART A: Please provide 1-2 significant or major examples of how your unit’s activities,
programs, services, etc., substantively/meaningfully contributed to achieving each of the
following: (a) the Division of Student Affairs strategic plan implementation matrix
15StrategicPlanImplementationMatrix.pdf); (b) UH Hilo’s strategic priorities
(http://hilo.hawaii.edu/strategicplan/); and/or (c) the UH System’s strategic priorities
(http://www.hawaii.edu/ovppp/uhplan/)? Please be sure to identify/reference specific
priorities and provide specific examples and sufficient detail.
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Student Health & Wellness Programs (SHWP)
Sulma Gandhi
Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan Priority Action 4.3 and 5.1; UH Hilo Strategic
Goals: Goal 1, Goal 5, Goal 6.
SHWP officially became established during the summer of 2012 with the hiring of the
inaugural position of Director for Student Health & Wellness Programs. This unit is
designed to provide a holistic approach to medical and mental health care for students,
linked with public health and health promotion initiatives to maximize student learning
and student engagement. This model of delivery represents an innovative and
leading-edge approach to college health across the US with the strategy to initiate
comprehensive, culturally relevant health promotion activities that include
paraprofessional applied learning opportunities. A vision, mission and values were
developed through two staff retreats and strategic planning sessions. This information,
along with the unit's programming can be found on the website:
http://hilo.hawaii.edu/wellness/ and the Facebook site:
During the 2012-2013 AY, SHWP conducted 70 programmatic events with approximately
1500 participants. In the 2013-2014 AY, SHWP implemented 115 events with over 2200
attendees. Topics ranged from gender based violence, sexual assault, domestic
violence, substance abuse, stress management, anger management, lung/heart health,
epilepsy awareness, health insurance, suicide prevention, LGBT, and HIV/AIDS. Men of
Strength continues to work towards reducing violence against women by de-constructing
and re-framing gender role norms and stereotypes. In fact, this program was recognized
by NASPA in 2013 for innovative programming. In 2010 and 2012, the ACHA- National
College Health Assessment survey was conducted (we will implement the survey again
in 2014) to assist the campus in collecting precise data about UH Hilo's students' health
habits, behaviors and perceptions. In AY 2013-2014 a Student Health Advisory Council
(SHAC) was established to provide the essential link between the student body and
SHWP. Eight students will be holding positions on this council in AY 2014-2015.
SHWP continues to hold the Department of Health Family Planning grant and we
received funds for suicide prevention in 2012-2015 through the Substance Abuse Mental
Health Services Administration. Our suicide prevention program "Na kia`a o ke Ola
(Guardians for Life) has been extraordinarily successful based on outcomes reported to
our federal funders. Additionally, SHWP has received various extramural and internal
funds to supplement programmatic activities. Please see attached data representing
these efforts.
Lastly, the unit has established two MOUs during this biennial reporting period. One
MOU is with Hawaii Community College to transfer funds to support the salary of .5FTE
mental health counselor. The other MOU was established between Student Medical
Services and the College of Pharmacy to establish pharmaceutical services on campus,
provided by faculty and students of the College of Pharmacy. Please see attached
PART B: Please list and describe your unit’s 2-3 priority areas for focus to improve outcomes
or enhance positive impact for students or the constituents your serve. How will you know if
you have achieved your desired outcome or impact? Note that both quantitative and
qualitative measures are acceptable.
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Priority Area #1: Quality gender based violence programming and updated policies, and
procedures provided to students that comply with VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2013
and Title IX requirements.
* Implement a mandatory prevention training module for all new students in AY
* Update the Student Sexual Assault Policy and Procedures during AY 2014-2015.
* Provide quality and ongoing prevention education to all students.
We will know we have achieved this priority with implementation of sexual violence
training, continuous review of feedback, and an updated sexual violence policy.
Priority Area #2: Continue to increase and re-allocate resources for private and
confidential space, staffing, and professional development – align requests based on the
student health fee proposal.
* Seek extramural federal, state and county funds to support programming.
* Seek student and Board of Regent approval for a student health fee increase.
* Collaborate with Hawaii Community College to provide support for SHWP services for
PART C: How are you reallocating your fiscal, human, facility, technology and other resources
to support your priorities?
PART D: What strategies have you implemented, if any, to either increase efficiency and
productivity in your unit, reduce waste and unnecessary cost, and/or increase your access to
alternative funding sources, including extramural funding? What new strategies do you have
planned in the coming year?
PART E: So that we can better plan and prepare for future UH System biennial budget and
supplemental budget requests, please indicate your most urgent resource needs (e.g.,
human, fiscal, facility, etc.) in the next several years and provide an estimate of the annual
recurring funds required, i.e., base dollars, and justification for the need.
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The VCSA agreed to allocate two additional rooms for Student Medical Services and
College of Pharmacy to provide OSHA and HIPPA compliant care for students.
We had an agreement with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Administrative
Affairs to borrow rooms to house our SAMHSA suicide grant staff members as well as
Counseling Services staff. Counseling Services provides supervision for 2-3 graduate
level interns and space was provided so that these interns could privately provide
sessions for students. Once the VCSA vacated the current Student Services Building,
we were able to bring both groups back to the Student Services Building. Lastly, we
have a room two times a week at the Hawaii Community College for one of our mental
health counselors to provide private sessions.
a) Received the UH system wide diversity fund to support MOS Jackson Katz ($3,000)
b) Received UH Hilo Diversity initiative funds ($2,000) to support MOS Jackson Katz
c) Received the Avon Foundation grant to support Men of Strength in AY 2013-14
d) Received the Chancellors Professional Development fund to support webinars,
professional learning community, Ola film, train the trainer for alcohol prevention
e) SAMHSA suicide prevention grant ($261,000); Approved for carry-over request of
f) Worked with the HawCC and the Prosecutor’s Coordinated team to develop a proposal
for VAWA funds – grant will not be accepted this year by OVW.
g) Submitted County grant for $25,000 for Men of Strength programming.
We will revisit the student health fee request proposal in AY 2014-2015.
SHWP's most pressing need is to create a position for sexual violence prevention to
meet federal legislative requirements.
We continue to be under-staffed and under-resourced based on the number of students
that we serve and comparison to national benchmark staffing ratios. We plan to engage
in student consultation and seek BOR approval to increase the student health fee,
keeping in mind that campus health & wellness services are the only source of health
and wellness care for many UH Hilo and Hawaii Community College students (DSA
Strategic Plan 4.3.D).
PART F: (if applicable) Please describe at least one learning outcome that you intended to
achieve for students who interface/interact with your unit’s functions, programs, and/or
services for the coming year. How will you measure student learning relative to this
outcome? (For units who are exempt, please note what efforts you made to assess program
outcomes, e.g., conduct self-study using CAS standards. Units may conduct both learning and
program assessment.)
PART G: How can the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs better assist with or
support your unit’s mission, goals, priorities, etc.? Examples might include helping to
change/update a policy, establishing a pathway for better communication with another unit
on campus, receiving information about a particular issue, etc.
PART H: Are their additional comments or information you wish to provide? List attachments
included with your submission.
Please submit report electronically to your cluster leader (if applicable) with copy to the VCSA by
Friday, June 20th at 5:00 PM HST. Additional sheets may be attached. All reports will be posted online.
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1) Learning Outcome for Students: The student peer health educators participate in a
self-evaluation and annual performance reviews. The evaluation was designed in
conjunction with student input and reflects the mission, vision and values of the unit. The
learning outcomes include skill development of communication, problem solving,
planning and leadership.
2) CAS standards: SHWP will undergo a CAS standards self-evaluation for health
promotion. This will be completed in AY 2014-2015.
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs can support SHWP by assisting with
the update of the Student Sexual Assault Policy and providing support for
implementation (advocacy for staffing and training). Additional support is requested to
seek BOR approval for the student health fee increase and increased resource
collaboration with Hawaii Community College.
Please see entire Student Health & Wellness Programs review for AY 2013-2014.
MOU between College of Pharmacy and Student Health & Wellness Programs.
Suicide prevention programming accomplishments.
Budget request for Violence prevention educator.