Is the stage in the same condition it was before the show?
Have all spike marks been removed?
Has all trash been picked up?
Has the stage been swept if needed (visibly dirty, feathers, sequins, etc)?
Has the stage been mopped if needed?
Has the stage floor been checked for damage and found to be okay?
Check Number Date Check Was Returned
Check In/ Check Out Checklist (Strike Completion checklist)
right for any conditions less than like new; this includes if trash is present, area looks unswept, etc.
Please label condition as Like New, Good, Fair, or Poor, and please make comments to the
If moved, have all soft goods been returned to their original location?
Has all trash from the show been picked up and put in the proper receptacles?
Have all messes/spills been cleaned up?
Have all dirty dishes been washed and removed?
If necessary, has it been swept/vacuumed?
Is all equipment utilized by the event in the same condition it started in?
Is everything in its orignal undamaged state?
Have all make-up spills be wiped up?
If drawings are on mirrors, have they been cleaned up?
Has all trash created been swept up?
Have all the drawers been checked for no leftover trash/make-up?
Has all food been removed (cabinets, counters, fridege, etc)?
Have all lobby displays been removed?
Has all event info/trash been removed from Box office/ Front of House?
Has all equipment been returned to its original area?
Technical Areas (if the lessee provided their own technicians)
Are the technical areas free of trash?
Is all the equipment in the tech areas in their original undamaged state?
Has any and all furniture or equipment been removed or returned to its original state?
Have all garments and accessories been removed?
Has all make-up been removed?
Has backstage been swept or mopped if needed?
Has everything been returned to its original position before the lessee utilized the space?
Have all technical supplies and scenery brought in by the lessee been removed?
House- Seating Area, Lobby & Box Office
Has all trash from the event (programs, etc) been picked up and removed?
Have all carpeted areas been checked for spills and found to be okay?
If the answer to any question is NO, than the lessee will not receive their cleaning deposit back.
If all questions are answered yes, the lessee will receive their clenaing deposit back.
Signature of Facility Coordinator or Assigned Staff & Date
Signature of Lessee & Date
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