1. Date of most recent office visit or contact with physician?
Date (mm/dd/yyyy): None Don't know
2. What type of stress test is being requested?
Pharmaologic Stress Test (Dobutamine) Don't know
Exercise Stress Test
3. What level of exercise is possible?
Able and willing to exercise on a treadmill
Able but unwilling to exercise on a treadmill
Impaired exercise tolerance with inability to walk at least 2 flights of stairs without stopping.
None of the above
Don't know
4. If there was a recent ECG within the last 30 to 60 days, did it show any of the following? Select all that apply.
Normal ECG
No recent ECG performed (No recent ECG will prevent expedited approval.)
ST segment depression 1 mm or greater
Non specific ST/T wave changes
LBBB/Left Bundle Branch Block
Ventricular pacemaker
None of the above
Don't know (This answer will prevent an expedited approval.)
5. What cardiac symptoms are present? Select all that apply.
No cadiac symptoms
Cardiac symptoms are present but stable
New or worsening angina or angina equivalent
New or worsening heart failure symptoms (shortness of breath)
Atypical chest pain
None of the above
Don't know
6. Is there arm pain? Yes No Don't know
7. Is there jaw pain? Yes No Don't know
8. Is the pain relieved with nitroglycerin or rest? Yes No Don't know
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