City of Indianola, Stop Sign/Speed Zone Change Request Form 2
Is this a new situation? Has anything significant changed recently that may have prompted
your request?
Does the issue you have observed seem to occur in any sort of pattern (such as immediately
before & after school hours or only late at night)?
What is your preferred outcome to this request (such as installation of a four-way stop or a
reduction in speed limit)?
When is the best time to contact you? _____________________________________________________________
What is your preferred method of contact? _______________________________________________________
***Your request will be evaluated by the City based on the guidelines of the U.S. DOT’s Manual
on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. It may take up to a month to review your request and
develop a recommendation to the City Council.***
Remit completed form to:
City of Indianola
Clerks Office
PO Box 299
110 N 1
Indianola IA 50125
Or via email to: