LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE/INTEREST- This helps establish an understanding of current
knowledge of custom build and the likelihood of schemes going forward.
1) How interested are you in owning your own custom build home?
Very interested- would definitely consider it and can afford it
Quite interested- would consider if affordable and depending upon what is
Slightly interested like the idea but unsure is if can afford it or have the time
2) How much do you know about custom build housing?
A lot A small amount
Quite a lot Very little
3) What type of custom build project are you interested in? (Please tick all that apply)
Individual full / part DIY self-build: You oversee the design and build your own
home. Part of the build may be carried out by a developer
Individual developer build: The entire design and build of your home is carried out
by a developer
Group led self-build: You build your own homes yourselves as part of a group
Developer led group build: You are part of a group which commissions a
developer to design and build your homes for you
Other method (not listed)
LOCATION/TYPE OF PROPERTY: This establishes where in the borough the need and
demand for custom build exists and what plot types are required. This will help us to target
our resources to try and make suitable land available.
4) Please select all area(s) of the borough in which you would consider buying a
Billingham Thornaby
Eaglescliffe/Preston Yarm
Ingleby Barwick Wynyard
Stockton Villages/Rural Area
Further detail
including sub areas
(if required)
5) If you know how large you would like your custom build plot to be, please write in
the box provided (give your answer below in square metres)
6) Would you consider the conversion of an existing building as an alternative to
building a new property? (this can also be classed as custom build)
Yes No Maybe
7) What type of house do you want to build? (please tick all that apply)
Detached Bungalow