Name of Event:
Organization/Contact: Email:
Preferred date(s) for event: Start time: End Time:
*Event applications must be submitted to the City of Sumner at least sixty (60) days in advance
What is the nature of your event:
How many people do you estimate to attend:
□ 20-99
□ 100-499
□ 1000-2999
□ 3000+
Will your event be open to the public?
□ Yes □ No
Will your event use any of the following? Please answer yes or no:
Public Streets
(*If yes check below)
(*If yes check below)
(*If yes check below)
Parking Lots
(*If yes check below)
Extra Garbage
Traffic Control by Police
Hookup to City
Power/ Water
Traffic Control by
City No Parking
Levels: A Level 1 Event is a private event with no impact to City services or neighbors, such as a small
birthday party at a park. No fees for this type of event are generated. Enjoy, and thank you for letting us
know about your event! If you checked 2’s, this could be a Level 2 Event. This type of event impacts some
City resources such as, but not limited to, amplified sound, barricade setup and tear down, sidewalk closures,
extra restroom cleaning, etc. It is likely your event will generate some costs, and we’ll work to plan with you
in detail to manage those costs and impacts. If you checked any 3’s, you are most likely hosting a Level 3
Event. This event impacts many City resources such as, but not limited to, exclusive use of roads or parking
lots, parades, vendors, traffic control by the Sumner Police Department, etc., and very likely generates costs
which we will work through with you in a more detailed process to come.